We, PML-N, are struggling for a peaceful world for a humane and socially just society with equal opportunities for all in light of the principles of Islam.
� We want peace
� We are working for a world
. In which all the people of the world live together in harmony, settling their conflicts not through war or an arms race, but rather through peaceful competition and dialogue.
. In which a just economic order gives all people a fair chance to develop independently
� We want a global society that respects the values and cultures of all nations, and preserves the existence of mankind and nature on our planet through new and ethical forms of economic activity
� We want social equality for all, men and women, a society without classes, privileges, discrimination, and exclusion.
Through equal opportunity and united effort, we want to attain prosperity and happiness for all and distribute it fairly.
� We want to enrich the life of all people by respecting their culture.
� We want responsible democracy throughout society that provides people an opportunity of self-governance, and respects diversity and difference of opinion.
� We seek for Pakistan a modern democratic state based on the ideals of Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal, the founding fathers, that enables its citizens to live their lives according to the golden principles of Islam.
� We want to establish a government that serves its people and enables them to achieve a higher quality of human life. This requires adopting new ideas, new directions, new technologies, and opportunities for the well-being and welfare of the people
� We are working for a world
. In which all the people of the world live together in harmony, settling their conflicts not through war or an arms race, but rather through peaceful competition and dialogue.
. In which a just economic order gives all people a fair chance to develop independently
� We want a global society that respects the values and cultures of all nations, and preserves the existence of mankind and nature on our planet through new and ethical forms of economic activity
� We want social equality for all, men and women, a society without classes, privileges, discrimination, and exclusion.
Through equal opportunity and united effort, we want to attain prosperity and happiness for all and distribute it fairly.
� We want to enrich the life of all people by respecting their culture.
� We want responsible democracy throughout society that provides people an opportunity of self-governance, and respects diversity and difference of opinion.
� We seek for Pakistan a modern democratic state based on the ideals of Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal, the founding fathers, that enables its citizens to live their lives according to the golden principles of Islam.
� We want to establish a government that serves its people and enables them to achieve a higher quality of human life. This requires adopting new ideas, new directions, new technologies, and opportunities for the well-being and welfare of the people
PML-N represents the continuing flow of Muslims� historic struggle and role in South Asia that is spread over several centuries. The sufferings that the Muslim nation endured under the colonial rule in South Asia led the Muslim leaders at the beginning of twentieth century to organize themselves into a political association that would safeguard their interests in India.
On December 30, 1906, leaders of Muslim India assembled in Dacca and decided to form, �All India Muslim League�. In 1930, Allama Iqbal presented the idea of a separate homeland for Muslims of South Asia while addressing the Annual Conference of All India Muslim League. On March 23, 1940, under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, All India Muslim League adopted the historic Pakistan Resolution in Lahore. Within seven years, it won a homeland for the Muslims of South Asia through a historic struggle, and Pakistan appeared on the map of the world on August 14, 1947.
After winning independence, All India Muslim League became �Pakistan Muslim League�. The PML leadership steered the country successfully through the initial period of great difficulties. But after imposition of Martial Law in 1958, PML itself faced some difficult periods. However, under the dynamic leadership of Mr. Mohammad Nawaz Sharif, it re-emerged as the largest political party of the country in October 1993 elections by securing the largest share of popular vote. In February 1997, it crossed yet another threshold in the political history of the country by securing two-thirds majority in the general elections and becoming the only political party to secure seats in all the provinces of Pakistan.
Our principles:
Sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Almighty Allah alone, and the authority to be exercised by the people of Pakistan within the limits prescribed by Him is a sacred trust.
In Pakistan, the state shall exercise its powers and authority through the chosen representatives of the people:
Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance, and social justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed;
Wherein the Muslims shall be enabled to order their lives, in the individual and collective spheres, in accordance with the teachings and requirements of Islam as set out in the Quran and Sunnah;
Wherein adequate provision shall be made for the minorities to freely profess and practice their religion and develop their cultures;
Wherein the territories now included in or in accession with Pakistan and such other territories as may hereafter be included in or acceded to Pakistan shall form a Federation, wherein the units will be autonomous with such boundaries and limitations on their powers and authority as may be prescribed;
Wherein shall be guaranteed fundamental rights, including equality of status, of opportunity and before law, social, economic, and political justice, and freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith, worship, and association, subject to law and public morality;
Wherein adequate provision shall be made to safeguard the legitimate interests of minorities, and backward and depressed classes;
Wherein the independence of judiciary shall be fully secured and respected;
Wherein the integrity of the territories of the federation, its independence and all its rights, including its sovereign rights on land, sea, and air shall be safeguarded;
So that the people of Pakistan may prosper and attain their rightful and honored place amongst the nations of the world and make their full contribution towards international peace and progress and happiness of humanity.
On December 30, 1906, leaders of Muslim India assembled in Dacca and decided to form, �All India Muslim League�. In 1930, Allama Iqbal presented the idea of a separate homeland for Muslims of South Asia while addressing the Annual Conference of All India Muslim League. On March 23, 1940, under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, All India Muslim League adopted the historic Pakistan Resolution in Lahore. Within seven years, it won a homeland for the Muslims of South Asia through a historic struggle, and Pakistan appeared on the map of the world on August 14, 1947.
After winning independence, All India Muslim League became �Pakistan Muslim League�. The PML leadership steered the country successfully through the initial period of great difficulties. But after imposition of Martial Law in 1958, PML itself faced some difficult periods. However, under the dynamic leadership of Mr. Mohammad Nawaz Sharif, it re-emerged as the largest political party of the country in October 1993 elections by securing the largest share of popular vote. In February 1997, it crossed yet another threshold in the political history of the country by securing two-thirds majority in the general elections and becoming the only political party to secure seats in all the provinces of Pakistan.
Our principles:
Sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Almighty Allah alone, and the authority to be exercised by the people of Pakistan within the limits prescribed by Him is a sacred trust.
In Pakistan, the state shall exercise its powers and authority through the chosen representatives of the people:
Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance, and social justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed;
Wherein the Muslims shall be enabled to order their lives, in the individual and collective spheres, in accordance with the teachings and requirements of Islam as set out in the Quran and Sunnah;
Wherein adequate provision shall be made for the minorities to freely profess and practice their religion and develop their cultures;
Wherein the territories now included in or in accession with Pakistan and such other territories as may hereafter be included in or acceded to Pakistan shall form a Federation, wherein the units will be autonomous with such boundaries and limitations on their powers and authority as may be prescribed;
Wherein shall be guaranteed fundamental rights, including equality of status, of opportunity and before law, social, economic, and political justice, and freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith, worship, and association, subject to law and public morality;
Wherein adequate provision shall be made to safeguard the legitimate interests of minorities, and backward and depressed classes;
Wherein the independence of judiciary shall be fully secured and respected;
Wherein the integrity of the territories of the federation, its independence and all its rights, including its sovereign rights on land, sea, and air shall be safeguarded;
So that the people of Pakistan may prosper and attain their rightful and honored place amongst the nations of the world and make their full contribution towards international peace and progress and happiness of humanity.
Realizing the founding vision of Pakistan: knowledge, justice, dignity, security, and enterprise (employment) for all and a happy society.
On the eve of independence, the Quaid-e-Azam held out a glorious vision for Pakistan�s future, a vision of prosperous and democratic people, a responsible government free from corruption, nepotism, and jobbery, and an enlightened society based on Islamic values of justice and equity. Fifty-five years later, we are nowhere close to that vision. We are still struggling to find a stable political order, which would guide us towards the lofty ideals of our founding fathers.
In 1997, PML-N was elected to steer the country on to the path of reforms, but unfortunately the government was not allowed to complete its tenure and overthrown on October 12, 1999 by General Pervez Musharraf, when he was dismissed by the Prime Minister for intriguing to undermine a democratic government. A lot can be said about the past, but this is an opportunity to look forward. We believe that rather than dwell on what might have been accomplished, it is time to look forward to what can be, and will be accomplished with proper resolve, sound policies, and good governance. Today, to pull the country and the people out of despair and despondency, we need that winning combination, the spirit of 1947.
Crisis is a moment of reflection and introspection in the life of any nation. Election 2002 is the opportunity to reflect upon and recover our founding vision, a vision based not on alien ideals, values, and histories but on our own, which helped us win freedom struggle. Economic prosperity is essential to this vision. Yet, it cannot be the only element, or even the most important one.
The centerpiece of Pakistan�s vision must be justice as enshrined in the principles of Islam. Pakistan itself was born out of the struggle of the Muslim community of South Asia for justice. Today, justice must once again be placed at the center of our definition of good life � justice for all Pakistanis, including women, minorities, and all vulnerable groups. The society must free its citizens from hunger and starvation, ensure equitable access to nutrition, healthcare, education, shelter, and employment, and guarantee the security of their lives and livelihoods.
Second, and equally important, is the goal of citizens� dignity, self-respect, and security through ensuring freedom to hold opinion, belief, customs, and expression in a democratic framework.
The third goal is knowledge, and the pursuit of knowledge: knowledge for progress and competition and for its own sake.
Fourth, is the goal of entrepreneurship and equal economic opportunities for all, not in the sense of an ability to exploit others, but rather as behavior that innovates, produces, and serves the society.
If we are able to achieve these goals, prosperity, too, will come within our reach; otherwise it will remain elusive forever.
Our ability to achieve these goals � knowledge, justice, dignity, security, and entrepreneurship/employment opportunities, and prosperity-depends upon the restoration of political stability and genuine democracy.
PML-N aims to realize the founding vision of Pakistan through restoring economic growth, strengthening national institutions, establishing good governance, ensuring equitable access to economic opportunity, and providing quality social services to all.
i)- Understanding the context:
Pakistan�s ability to progress in the next decade will depend critically on a proper understanding of the opportunities and constraints offered by the changing international situation. Two hundred years ago, at the end of eighteenth century, the �industrial revolution� brought eight hundred years of agricultural wealth creation to an end. The dawn of twenty first century marks the beginning of a new age in the history of mankind. The old foundations of success are gone. In the past, the source of success has been the control of natural sources-land, gold, and oil. Today, the key to progress lies in �knowledge�. Knowledge is the new basis for development and prosperity.
Today, a �knowledge and information revolution� is underway. Microelectronics, computers, telecommunications, man-made materials, robotics, and biotechnology are transforming all aspects of human life. The paradigms of development in today�s world are changing from muscle power to brainpower, making investments in human resource development critical for the success of any society. This revolution is moving us from national economies to a global economy posing serious threats to the future of economies base on commodity products. A new World Trade Order in shape of �World Trade Organization� (WTO) is redrawing the boundaries of international trade. In order to cope with the new challenges, we need to transform our social, political, and economic institutions into responsive, innovative, productive and competitive organizations. Moreover, misunderstandings between civilizations are growing. There is a need for dialogue between Muslim countries and the West to address concerns of the Islamic world.
In this situation, if we didn�t move with speed to eradicate illiteracy and human under-development from our society, the poverty in our society will grow drastically and challenge the social and economic foundations of the state. If we didn�t transform our governmental institutions fast enough to become facilitators of service and change, the potential of our society to move forward will be crushed under the burden of its public sector. Lasting change and leapfrog jump can only take place with the ownership and participation of the people. Therefore, the link between democracy and development is being seen as inevitable all over the world for progress except our country, where military continues to see itself as the sole custodian of the national interests. For coming times, we need to strengthen civil structures of the society and make them responsible. The military power has to be subservient to civil authority.
ii)- Building a knowledge-based and a healthy nation:
With knowledge becoming the key ingredient for wealth creation in future, we need to make education our number one national priority. PML-N government shall make promotion of literacy and quality education its top most priority. During its previous government, a record number of initiatives were undertaken in this direction. A National Education Policy 1998-2010 was launched after extensive consultations with all stakeholders. In 1999, a project was launched to standardize the national curriculum at primary level from 2001. A project to transform existing government high schools in backward and rural areas into �Smart Schools� was initiated to overcome education divide. 300 S&T PhD scholarships/year for local universities with Rs 100,000 per scholarship/year research grant and 100 S&T PhD scholarships/year for studies at world�s top five universities and 100 Takbeer Scholarships for outstanding students after matriculation up to PhD were initiated and allocations were made in 1999-2000 budget. On September 8, 1999 (International Literacy Day) a campaign was launched to achieve the target of 100 percent primary enrollment within three years with more than 850,000 children showing up for enrollment on a single day. Unfortunately, Musharraf government discontinued most of these initiatives. The budget allocation for education also was cut down from 2.6 percent of GDP to 2.0 percent under present regime.
PML-N resolves to implement the National Education Policy 2010 to break the monopoly of elitist education system and to create equal education opportunities for all by reviving delivery of quality education in the public sector.
1. Education up to primary level will be free and the basic right of every child as enshrined in Article 37 of the Constitution.
2. By harnessing public and private sector resources, Universal Primary Education will be achieved by 2005, and at least 75% literacy level in the country will be achieved by 2010 through formal and non-formal education and launching of National Literacy Movement.
3. By 2005, a minimum of ten computers will be provided in every government high school in the country. 2000 Government High Schools will be transformed into Smart Schools by 2010. All universities will be networked by 2004.
4. The public sector schools and colleges shall be reformed to provide high quality education. There will be a quality teacher in every classroom by 2005 through implementing crash teacher training programs and reforming teacher training infrastructure.
5. The student-teacher ratios will be brought back to 1990-91 levels by overcoming deficit of 250,000 primary, middle, high school, and college teachers with recruitment through district based competitive examinations and university teachers on provincial basis.
6. To expand and improve quality education in Pakistan, 4% of GNP will be allocated for education by 2007.
7. A participatory approach will be adopted to achieve key targets by mobilizing government as well as the people, and private sector. Strategies shall be made to optimally harness and utilize the existing education facilities by improving governance, efficiency, monitoring, and effectiveness.
8. National language shall be the prime medium of instruction. English and regional languages will also be given due importance.
9. National curricula will be standardized and adopted at all levels to eliminate multi-class system based education in the country. Sharp focus will be put on academic content in science and mathematics. Curricula will be enriched by putting more emphasis on acquisitions of practical skills, along with theoretical perception, environment and democracy education, delivery system improved through massive national level training and re-training programs, evaluation criteria, tools and process will be improved.
10. Demand based technical and vocational education will be introduced in all government high schools.
11. Programs of life long learning for improving productivity and quality of life for different age groups and genders will be launched through the distance education set up and audio visual channels.
12. Special emphasis will be placed on education of girls to bridge up the gender gap.
13. To help talented students with meager means in receiving higher/professional education, Qarz-e-Hasana scheme will be revived with sufficient safeguards to ensure equal opportunity for all, regardless of income.
14. The deeni madrassahs will be brought into the mainstream of education through extension of technical help and resources by 2005. Mosque literacy schools will be set up in rural areas.
15. Examinations and interviews for entry into superior services will be conducted in both Urdu and English.
16. Private sector�s liberal participation in education will be expanded and an incentive mechanism for encouraging private sector by granting tax rebate, introducing matching grants system; concessional loans etc will be institutionalized.
17. Teaching profession will be made more attractive by grant of higher salaries to teachers who possess qualification higher than the prescribed level. Additional increment for better performers, �Best Teacher Awards� shall be introduced at all levels of education. National medals and awards will be given to nation�s best teachers every year. Principals/Heads of educational institutions/teachers will be given special status in local areas. Female teachers will be posted as close to their homes as possible.
18. Admissions will be on merit and National Testing Service will be set up. B.A degree will be brought at par with international standards.
19. Regular inspection system will be introduced to evaluate performance of teachers and institutions. Competency testing of students to measure increased learning will be carried out, and it will be tied to reward or accountability.
20. Universities will be made more autonomous to provide academic freedom and professional management. Search Committees will be appointed for hunting high quality talent for the positions such as heads of universities and autonomous educational and research organizations.
21. Ethics and values based curriculum and teaching systems with a focus on character building to develop honesty, faith, perseverance, tolerance, justice, accountability, excellence, discipline, wisdom, innovation, respect, and team play, as enshrined in Islam, will be introduced at all levels. The teaching of Quran with translation will be compulsory for all Muslim students in secondary schools.
Science & Technology:
A modern S&T infrastructure was envisioned under Vision 2010. All those initiatives would be revived including:
- 300 PhD scholarships in local universities with a research grant of Rs 400,000/scholarship and increase output of PhDs to 1000/year by 2007.
- 100 PhD scholarships for world�s top five universities in areas of priority for human resource development.
- Reorienting S&T infrastructure towards economic needs of Pakistan for creating sustainable competitive advantage in exports.
- Strengthening the S&T organizations by providing research grants and competent management.
- Developing competencies in the future technologies.
- 100 Takbeer scholarships for talented young Pakistanis after matriculation up to PhD to produce more Dr. Abdus Salam�s.
- Strengthening Quality and Productivity infrastructure in the country through launching a national campaign in partnership with the private sector.
- Promoting indigenous solutions and applied technology for solving our economic and technical problems.
- Offering incentives to outstanding Pakistani scientists and engineers to return to Pakistan and contribute in national development.
- Promoting local talent and manpower in consultancies.
- Giving role to professional bodies in national policy and decision-making.
Health & Population:
Without a healthy nation, there can be neither development nor progress. Pakistan has lagged behind other developing countries in terms of its social development. In the last ten years, due to Social Action Program, initiated by PML-N government, there has been considerable progress in improving the social indicators and controlling the population growth rate as it mandated the provincial governments to make significant allocations for the social sectors, despite the problems it faced due to the frequent change of governments in the 90s. PML-N remains committed to social sector and will pursue policy of providing quality health care to all citizens whether poor, rural, or urban.
- Main Teaching Hospitals both in the Federal Capital and Provincial headquarters will be modernized and equipped with the state of the art medical equipment and facilities especially in the field of Cardiovascular surgery, Cancer, Organs transplant, Brain surgery and Burn and Dialysis units, so that people do not have to seek expensive medical treatment abroad.
- Production of quality generic medicines will be encouraged to provide cheaper medicines to the common man.
- It is estimated that 7 out of 10 deaths in childhood are due to the following main diseases namely diarrhea, malaria, pneumonia, measles and malnutrition especially in the developing countries. Environmental health shall be promoted.
- Cardiac clinics and facilities shall be extended to district level hospitals, and institutes will be provided more advanced technology and modern equipment. Incentives will be provided to
- Cardiac clinics and institutes in the private sector.
- Considering that most instances of heart and the lung diseases, including cancer of the lungs and breast are directly related to smoking, cigarette smoking will not be allowed in most public places while private enterprises will be required to designate �No Smoking� areas. Preventive medicine shall be promoted.
- The Primary health care program will be expanded to provide basic health service facilities to all by making Basic Health Units (BHUs), and Rural Health Centers (RHCs) functional. Thus providing basic health care facilities at the doorsteps of the people in the rural areas through community based health care programs.
- To provide better services and coverage, District and Tehsil Hospitals will be improved and upgraded by appointing DHOs on merit basis, and providing sufficient financial and administrative powers and better living facilities thus ensuring presence of Doctors, Nurses and Para medical staff at primary and secondary health care facilities in a given District.
- Fresh medical graduates, after completing their mandatory house jobs, will be required serve for at least one year in vacant posts in primary and secondary health facilities.
- All out efforts will be made to provide clean drinking water and basic hygiene facilities to the rural population.
- AIDS is an incurable, fatal but preventable disease. A national campaign will be launched to make people aware about its possible prevention and dangerous consequences.
- The existing National program of immunization (EPI) will be considerably expanded and well publicized, through print and electronic media especially the campaign against cluster diseases by giving oral vaccine drops.
- A new anti TB program, DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short Course), against Tuberculosis will be implemented to control Tuberculosis. Massive vaccination against Poliomyelitis, Neonatal tetanus, Malaria and a cluster of childhood diseases will be carried out, and immunization coverage will be increased to 75 � 80%. Hepatitis B coverage will be provided in 60-70% of Districts.
- Medical colleges both in the public and private sectors will be required to adopt, in addition to affiliated teaching hospital a District / Tehsil hospital or primary health care center.
- All private medical colleges will be required by law to follow mutually agreed affordable admission and tuition fees and PMDC approved standards before they are allowed to admit students.
- Homeopathy and Tibb will be promoted after they meet the criteria of desired standards for medical education by making amendments in the law.
- The number of hospitals will be increased to meet the growing demand of patients. Likewise, number of medical graduates, nurses and doctors and paramedics will be increased keeping in mind the ever-growing needs.
- Stringent anti drug steps will be taken to control this menace by cracking down on drug dealers, and providing proper rehabilitation program facilities in all provinces to those who are victims of this scourge.
- Senior citizens will be provided special health care facilities like eye glasses, hospitalization and treatment at favorable fee rates, and pharmacies will be instructed to provide medicines at discounted prices. Free medical care will be provided to deserving patients.
- The PML government will make sure that everyday essential life saving drugs are available to the general public at affordable prices.
- Free medical care will be provided to poor and deserving patients through Zakat fund assistance ear-marked for health care.
- Special education centers shall be opened in all districts.
- Population growth rate shall be brought down to 1.5 percent, and safe motherhood programs shall be promoted.
iii)- Moving through justice to an equitable, safe, and a caring society:
Justice is the corner stone of any civilized society. Without justice the society loses its meaning and existence. In Pakistan, the judicial institutions have decayed along with other institutions and have failed to perform the role prescribed in the Constitution. The fundamental issue is the appointment of judges. If appointment of judges could be ensured on merit alone, a qualitative revolution can be brought in judiciary within a short period of time. The judiciary is under-funded and lacks support functions that are essential for speedy justice.
Crime and punishment are two morally linked concepts that have become almost totally disconnected in our society. Vicious criminals are released again and again into our communities, as ordinary citizens watch in helplessness. Our judicial system is being misused to the advantage of criminals. The criminals no longer fear our courts and the judicial system. They know the loopholes and the technicalities by which our courts often set the guilty free. If a government fails in its duty to protect the life and property of its citizens, nothing else it does in the end will matter. We assert that its time to restore the link between crime and punishment.
PML-N will:
- Appoint a judicial commission comprising eminent jurists, Judges, Parliamentarians, Representatives of Businessmen and Lawyers, and civil society to recommend and supervise restructuring and reform of judicial system within six months.
- The system of appointment of judges will be reformed to ensure appointments on merit in a transparent manner.
- The judicial system will be strengthened to award punishments within six months to the culprits in heinous crime cases.
- Judicial Information system shall be put in place for efficient functioning of judiciary.
- Lower judiciary will be strengthened for speedy delivery of justice.
- Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms shall be developed to facilitate social cohesion.
- All discriminatory laws shall be abolished.
- Jury system shall be introduced.
Law and order:
The dream of economic development remains forever elusive without peace and security. Unfortunately, the present government has failed to curb terrorism and crime in the country. The previous PML-N government maintained a tough stance in dealing with crime and criminals. It would weed out terrorism and crime from the society by reforming the criminal justice system.
- Fair and across the board application of law shall be ensured in the fight against crime.
- Police will be made a community oriented service, and reformed to become a modern crime-fighting machine with better training and equipment.
- Heinous crime cases and criminals shall be dealt with iron hand.
- Criminal justice system will be reformed for speedy disposal of heinous crime cases through strengthening of lower judiciary.
- Narcotics trade and sectarian/religious violence will be eliminated from the society.
- Jails will be made correction centers and the facilities will be improved.
- Security agencies will be made effective for eradication of terrorism and crime from society.
- Special monitoring cells will be set up in the center and the provinces to check heinous crimes.
- Crime fighting agencies will be trained in the modern investigation and crime prevention techniques and tools.
- Citizen and Police liaison committees will be set up at all levels.
- The budget for inland security shall be doubled.
- Pakistan Penal Code, Law of Evidence, and the Criminal Procedures Code shall be revised to bring them in line with the requirements of the society.
Social welfare:
In an Islamic society welfare of people in general, and of the destitute in particular, is the fundamental responsibility of the government. PML-N during its both tenures implemented programs for welfare of the poor and the needy. PML-N shall start new social welfare initiatives.
- Zakat and Baitul Mal delivery system shall be further improved to reach the needy.
- Food stamp scheme shall be expanded for the poor.
- Free education for orphans shall be provided.
- Job shall be provided to a family member of a public servant who dies on job.
- All widows, who have minor children and no means of livelihood, shall be provided stipends by the state.
- Orphan children, who have no earning member/means in family, shall have free education.
Pensioners & Senior Citizens:
- Pensioners shall enjoy senior citizen status.
- Senior citizens will get discount on rail, road, and air travel.
- Scholarships for higher education shall be launched for children of pensioners retired in grade 1-15.
- Prompt and timely monthly payment of pension shall be ensured.
- The services of Pensioners shall be utilized in literacy and community based projects, and district think tanks shall be set up to enable pensioners provide guidance to government departments in their area of expertise.
iv) Providing dignity and freedom to people through a tolerant democratic order and good governance.
The future of Pakistani society depends on its response to four forces: Islam, Economy, Governance, and Democracy. Today, we stand at the threshold of a new era that brings great challenges and opportunities for us as a state and a society. Pakistan, which was created by the Muslims of South Asia under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam, was supposed to be a model state for Muslims, where a society based on the ideals of social justice, equality, economic progress, and tolerance as enshrined in Islam could be established.
The Pakistan movement united the Muslims of South Asia under one platform and one leadership to produce a miracle in the human history. Never before, the human history had blessed any group of people in the manner in which Muslims of South Asia were rewarded. Within seven years after March 23, 1940, when Pakistan was considered to be a mad man�s dream, Pakistan appeared on the map of the world as the largest Muslim country on August 14, 1947. No nation had realized its vision in such a short period of time and so peacefully in history before.
That was 1947, but today more than ever we seem to be confused over the meaning and philosophy of our nationhood. The nation, which stood united to win freedom from the colonial masters, is today grappling with the sectarian, ethnic and regional divides. There are basically three planes � social, political and economic � at whose level we need to examine these growing tensions within the state structures and society. At social level, we are struggling to find the focus in our ideology and values that form basis of the state. From advocates of an extreme interpretation of Islam to secular minds, each group tries to interpret meaning of Pakistani nationhood in the light of vested interests.
It is time to give the people of Pakistan a paradigm of politics, which on one hand reflects the mood, wishes, and aspirations of the people, and on the other hand is broad enough to unite all citizens under one umbrella. A paradigm which provides a link between faith, economy, governance, and democracy to take us into the twenty first century as a progressive, pluralist, and a dynamic society.
The basic principles of Islamic political system, under which sovereignty belongs to Allah, are popular legitimacy (bay-at), consultative decision-making (shoora), merit, accountability, service (servant leadership), dignity for citizens (putting well being of people first), and tolerance. These are also the ideals of democracy. The early Muslim rulers set up extraordinary models on these principles that contemporary history can�t match. We want to revive these principles and create a society that respects human dignity, and provides social justice for all regardless of gender, religion, or caste. Our fundamental goals are honest, efficient, and caring government and well-being and welfare of people through their empowerment.
Political reforms:
Supremacy of the Constitution and Parliament shall be restored through making parliamentary institutions effective, accountable, and responsive to the people.
A new political order shall be enforced in consultation with the opposition, whose guiding principles shall be the following:
i). Ensuring mutual respect and tolerance
ii). Respecting rule of law and independence of judiciary
iii). Promoting good governance
iv). Strengthening democratic and national institutions
v). Developing consensus on national reform agenda and economic policies, and ensuring continuity of national policies
vi). Recognizing freedom of expression and the media
vii). Empowering citizens, professionals, middle class, and vulnerable groups into the mainstream of democratic process
- A permanent National Commission for Democracy shall be established that will work for the strengthening of democracy in the country and promote democratic tolerance. The commission will also give funds to political parties on the basis of their seats in Parliament for party development and political education.
- Parliamentary control will be strengthened through reinforcing the Public Accounts Committee, whose leader shall be elected in consultation with the Opposition.
- Prime Minister shall answer questions in the Parliament at least once in a month.
- A conflict of interest law shall be passed.
- Simplicity shall be enforced at all levels of the state machinery.
- The number of days for the sittings of the Parliament and provincial assemblies shall be increased, and legislation by ordinance will be discontinued.
- The role of standing committees of the Parliament shall be enhanced through holding of public proceedings, and empowering them to clear important appointments like judges, ambassadors, heads of autonomous corporations.
- A law shall be passed in consultation with the Opposition for a neutral caretaker government�s installation before every general election.
- Chief Election Commissioner shall be appointed in consultation with the Opposition. Election Commission will be given adequate constitutional protection for discharging its duties freely.
- The sizes of national and provincial cabinets shall be curtailed.
- VIP culture shall be eliminated in all spheres of government.
- Provincial autonomy shall be respected and enforced as given in the Constitution.
- A Parliamentary committee shall be formed to recommend amendments for political reforms.
- All international treaties and conventions shall be ratified by the Parliament.
- Parliament shall release an annual report informing people about its performance and legislation.
- At the start of every parliamentary year, a conference of leaders of both houses and Opposition, Speaker and Deputy National Assembly and Chairman and Deputy Chairman Senate shall be held to review and plan for the legislative business.
- An Ethics Committee of both houses of Parliament shall ensure that members discharge their functions with honesty and highest standards of integrity.
Civil-military relations:
The crux of Pakistan�s failure in developing sustainable democracy lies in the repeated interference of a handful of generals in the political affairs of the country, which has destabilized the country to a point that further continuation of this game has become a serious threat to the Federation. We lost East Pakistan on this account, and voices of dissent from smaller provinces are once again emerging. PML-N feels it is about time that military, which is a prestigious national institution, resumes a pure professional role like other countries in South Asia.
- Cabinet Defense Committee shall be made more effective for exchange of views on strategic issues between civil and military leadership. It shall have a permanent secretariat and it will meet at least once in four months.
- Military�s honor and respect as a professional and apolitical institution shall be restored.
- Defense budget barring classified items shall be debated in the Parliament.
- To block future military takeovers, an amendment shall be made in the Constitution that the issue of military overthrow of democratic government can be taken up by the Parliament at any time not withstanding any judgment of court or any act of Parliament.
- Military law shall be amended to make obedience of unlawful command a crime like the disobedience of a lawful command.
- The Prime Minister shall be the supreme Commander of the armed forces.
- The efficacy of the Higher Defense Organization, created two decades ago, shall be reviewed.
- The service chiefs shall be appointed on merit by the President on advice of the Prime Minister from amongst three senior most officers.
- The task of military intelligence agencies shall be confined to security and counter terrorism assignments only.
- Defense Production capability shall be professionalized and commercialized
- Highest professional standards in the armed forces shall be maintained.
Good Governance:
Neither sustained economic growth nor improvement in social services is possible without the restoration of good governance in the country. The crisis of governance has many features. At the most dramatic level is the break down of law and order, threatening the very life and livelihood of citizens, because of crime, civic conflict, terror, corruption, and inefficiency. A related contributory factor is the loss of public control over state institutions (especially the police and security agencies), and in some cases even the criminalization of the latter.
PML-N initiated several good governance programs in the government that helped in reducing the Corruption Index rating of Pakistan from 2nd to 11th, which has remained unchanged in the last three years. Quotas of PM/CMs/Governors were abolished. Major education, health, and administrative reforms were initiated.
PML-N shall focus on changing the system of institutions and incentives that affect the behavior of public officials, business entrepreneurs, and citizens to provide a government that is based on merit, honesty, accountability, transparency, and respect of citizens. Pakistan today needs a government that works better and costs less.
- All discretionary powers shall be withdrawn. Governance shall be done by law, not discretion. Misuse of authority shall be punished.
- Civil Service Reforms shall be carried out oriented through training and incentive schemes to make the civil service professional, performance based, and citizen service.
- Every government department and agency shall practice �Total Quality Governance� by treating the citizen as customer.
- Every government department will develop Citizen Rights Charter.
- Every government department will develop Vision and Mission statement in consultation with the stakeholders, define its performance indicators, and develop a system of incentive and monitoring to measure performance and results not red-tapism.
- Every department will undertake the task of cutting obsolete regulations and useless paperwork.
- National University of Public Administration will be established to overlook training and education of public servants.
- A National Accountability body shall be set up, whose head will be appointed in consultation with the Opposition, to check corruption in all sectors of the society.
- Auditor General Office shall be modernized and empowered to check corruption and abuse of authority in government departments.
- Austerity shall be established at all levels of government.
- Assets of public representatives and senior officials shall be disclosed as public record.
- Freedom of information law will be enacted.
- Salaries of public servants shall be raised.
- Devolution, decentralization, and delegation shall be pursued to create a government that is closer to people and works.
- Prime Minister�s annual �National Performance Awards� for government servants shall be started with handsome award money to recognize services of the honest and the competent.
- District Ombudsman Offices shall be set up in all districts to provide relief to common men against injustice of local offices.
- Tenure of office for officers will be fixed and every ministry/department will prepare a performance contract with an incentive scheme for meeting the targets.
- Merit will be ensured in all government appointments and postings. No discretionary power, quota, or relaxation of rules shall be permitted.
- Collaboration between government and non-governmental agencies and citizens shall be promoted.
- System for issuance of public, court, and personal documents relating to property, cases, records, shall be overhauled to ensure delivery of copy within 24 hours.
- System of payment of utility bills shall be streamlined to eliminate inconvenience to general public.
- Bureaucracy shall be de-politicized and government officers shall be given security of tenure.
- Luxurious residences of government functionaries and prime state land shall be auctioned to pay back national debt.
- IT shall be deployed on priority basis in government departments (e-government) to facilitate provision of services and check corruption.
- �Turn Around Program (TAP)� for state enterprises shall be initiated with the goal of cutting losses by 25 percent in 12 months through internal organization change and professional management. The experiments of forcing change from top by either CEO or management change have failed. A comprehensive framework involving organization wide cultural change paradigm will be implemented.
- Military will be withdrawn from WAPDA/KESC and other civil institutions to develop institutional and professional competence in public sector organizations.
Citizens Dignity:
One of the fundamental elements of the vision for Pakistan was that all citizens should enjoy equal respect and dignity regardless of religion, language, or background under freedom. Unfortunately, after fifty-five years the people of Pakistan are still slaves in their own country. They are exploited by the state structures daily in government offices and at their places of work. Public servants belonging to civil-military bureaucracy have emerged as a new ruling elite class. The people, in general, and taxpayers, in particular, are humiliated every day. It is time to reverse the order. People are the real owners and the job of public servants is to serve them. PML-N shall bring far reaching administrative reforms to remove the elements of colonial legacy from our administrative structures and make them citizen friendly and accountable to people. No citizen shall either be humiliated in any government office or ignored by any government functionary.
- Humiliation of any citizen by any state functionary shall be declared an offence.
- District ombudsmen shall be entitled to look into cases of abuse against citizens.
- Any surveillance or harassment of citizens by intelligence agencies on political grounds shall be an offence. Phone tapping/recording shall be banned.
- Private property of citizens shall be respected by all state agencies.
- The abominable practice of arbitrary punishments by landlords and private jails shall be eradicated with iron hand. Local administration shall be punished if such practices are condoned.
- All government offices shall provide respectable places for visitors waiting.
- Fundamental rights of citizens shall be respected at all levels.
v) Generating prosperity through sustainable development and transforming economy into an enterprise and knowledge economy
Economic reforms:
PML-N government in its first tenure initiated far reaching economic reforms in the country, which included steps such as deregulation, privatization, and opening of economy. During its second tenure, PML-N introduced financial sector reforms by granting autonomy to State Bank and reforming public sector financial institutions and taking steps such as reducing number of national holidays, abolishing octroi taxes. PML-N also initiated projects to build a modern economic infrastructure in the country. As a result, the motorways, highways, telecommunications, airports, rural economy, urban development and modern financial services all have the leadership of Nawaz Sharif behind them.
Today, we face a serious crisis of confidence in and outside the country. Pakistan�s economic growth has slowed down. The world market is changing rapidly. We need to jump start the economy by achieving a six plus growth rate.
Pakistan�s number one challenge for economic recovery is restoration of a stable democratic government to improve country�s risk perception.
Second challenge is to restore the confidence of domestic investors. PML-N shall create a collaborative framework for management of economy in shape of �Pakistan Business Council�, which shall be headed by the Prime Minister with equal representation of public and private sector representatives.
Third challenge is to restructure Pakistan�s productive sectors to meet the challenges of the emerging global economy, regional markets, and WTO. In this direction, PML-N will launch major initiatives for transforming Pakistan�s economy into �knowledge economy� by making our industry, agriculture, and service sectors competitive on the basis of value-addition, quality, and productivity.
Fourth challenge is to provide our businessmen with a level playing field with their competitors. All discriminatory and business unfriendly procedures, taxes, and tariffs shall be rationalized.
Fifth challenge is to create an enabling environment by eliminating corruption, making civil service business friendly, revolutionizing tax administration, ensuring protection of life and property, and delivering justice. PML-N through governance reform program is addressing these issues as a national priority.
Sixth challenge is to fight poverty and ensure equitable fruits of economic development across social and regional groups. This can only happen when the economy recaptures its growth momentum and distribution of resources is done fairly.
PML-N launched Vision 2010 during its government to transform Pakistan into a world class competitive economy under which the key policy areas of focus were improving institutional capacity and governance through political stability and competent and honest civil service, improving macro economic management and performance, accelerating improvement in human resource development, increasing savings and investment rates, removing current shortages and meeting the growing demand for infrastructure services, establishing collaborative partnerships between government, private sector, and the citizens, and protecting the environment. Pakistan needs a long-term perspective plan to meet these challenges. PML-N shall revive Vision 2010.
Industry & Trade:
- Investment policies based on quantum export increase shall be introduced.
- Policies for key sectors shall be announced in the budget for next five years to overcome uncertainty.
- Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) shall be promoted for employment creation and export growth.
- New industrial estate shall be created for development of export and small industries.
- Revival of sick industries will be given priority.
- BOI shall be expanded to give adequate private sector representation.
- Electronics, Engineering, Chemicals, and Agro-based industry shall be promoted as new engines of industrial growth.
- In partnership with the private sector, Pakistan will be put as a world leader in textile related sectors.
- GST, taxes, tariffs shall be streamlined and rationalized for providing our businessmen a level playing field with their competitors.
- The role of business chambers and professional bodies shall be expanded into areas of training, research, and capacity building of members.
- Rights of consumers shall be protected and strict action will be taken against counterfeit producers/adulteration.
- Multiple tax collection procedures shall be integrated into one window operation.
- Equitable labor policy shall be introduced and special program for up gradation of skills and promoting quality culture through training shall be launched.
- Corporate sector will be given incentives to invest in the training of employees, their welfare, and community services such as establishing schools and clinics.
- Embassies of Pakistan will be given export orientation, and their performance shall be judged on export development.
- Tourism industry shall be developed initially by promoting domestic tourism and subsequently foreign tourism by building necessary infrastructure. Special incentives shall be given to employers to arrange package tours for employees and for educational institutions.
- Outstanding businessmen/exporters/taxpayers shall be given national medals and awards every year.
- Mineral industry shall be developed through participation of private sector investment to augment industrial growth in Pakistan.
- Incentives shall be offered for development of Research & Development in private sector.
- To develop research based knowledge foundations and quality in industry, �Technology Triangle� shall be created in each sector comprising of government, research institutions, and the private sector.
- Cluster approach, i.e. an amalgamation of key industries, supporting sectors, infrastructures, and institutions that are interlinked and interdependent because of shared technological and skill base shall be followed for the development of industries.
- Privatization process shall be accelerated in a transparent manner and on the basis of sound commercial terms.
Agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan�s economy. PML-N government had initiated far-reaching programs to boost agriculture production, which continued to show results even after change of the government. These steps included doubling of loans to small farmers, timely provision of unadulterated seed, fertilizers and pesticides, investment in water resources, reduction in the price of tractors and agricultural implements, and favorable support price. Pakistan�s basic endowments in agriculture sector are its strength. PML-N will transformagriculture into a value added sector by promoting exotic and value added crops such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, and horticulture along with realizing higher production in traditional crops such as cotton, rice, wheat and sugarcane.
- Five-year value addition agriculture master plan shall be developed for each district.
- Agricultural productivity shall be enhanced through balanced use of fertilizer and micronutrients, increased use of certified seed, adequate plant protection and improved farm management.
- Self-sufficiency shall be realized in production of tea and edible oil.
- Farm service centers shall be established at Union Council levels to provide one window facility for all agricultural inputs.
- Olive plantations shall be introduced on large scale.
- Horticulture and floriculture industry will be developed.
- Export of fruits and vegetables shall be promoted.
- Agriculture marketing infrastructure shall be improved by establishing district and tehsil markets network.
- Loans for small farmers shall be doubled to upgrade their production capacity, and given through one window operation. Every farmer shall be issued a passbook like NIC.
- Agriculture Credit Card scheme shall be introduced for farmers to get working capital, fertilizers, pesticides, and seed.
- Rural enterprise and economy shall be developed by promoting cottage industries in the villages and expanding rural infrastructure.
- More than 5,000 kilometers Farm to market roads shall be constructed.
- More than 2500 villages shall be provided electricity and no village will remain without electricity.
- Canal lining, cementing of watercourses, land leveling, and construction of small dams will be under taken on priority basis.
- New water reservoirs shall be constructed to account for loss of storage capacity. Water management and conservation shall be accorded highest priority.
- More than 10,000 farmers will be trained in modern and progressive farming.
- The livestock research and extension shall be strengthened to increase the production of milk, meat, and other livestock products. Feed and fodder resources shall be developed to provide balanced and nutritious feed to livestock. Export of livestock shall be promoted.
- Water logging and salinity control programs shall be launched.
- Special incentives shall be launched for harnessing the full potential of fisheries sector by improving fish catching procedures, storage, packaging, and shipment facilities.
- Infrastructure to market horticulture, fruit products such as dates, mangoes, citrus etc in international markets shall be built.
- Herbal and natural products industry will be developed and marketed internationally.
- Forests shall be preserved and doubled by launching massive plantation drives.
- Barani areas potential shall be developed by providing modern agriculture-related infrastructure and introducing high yield, drought tolerant varieties of food and fodder crops.
- Landless haris shall be allotted state land and given loans to buy tractors and install tube wells.
- Agriculture taxes will be unified.
- Prices of agricultural machinery, pesticides, fertilizers, and seeds shall be rationalized.
- Bulk consumers of electricity for tube wells will get discounts.
- Distribution of water by irrigation departments will be made transparent and fair.
- Abiana (water rate) system will be reformed.
- Cultivatable land not cultivated for more than two years shall be taxed.
- Research in biotechnology, genetic engineering, tissue culture, and embryo transfer technology shall be given highest priority for breakthroughs in agricultural productivity.
- Use of fertile agricultural lands in vicinity of urban and rural areas for housing societies, roads, and industrial estates shall be discouraged. Such activities shall be promoted on marginal lands.
On the eve of independence, the Quaid-e-Azam held out a glorious vision for Pakistan�s future, a vision of prosperous and democratic people, a responsible government free from corruption, nepotism, and jobbery, and an enlightened society based on Islamic values of justice and equity. Fifty-five years later, we are nowhere close to that vision. We are still struggling to find a stable political order, which would guide us towards the lofty ideals of our founding fathers.
In 1997, PML-N was elected to steer the country on to the path of reforms, but unfortunately the government was not allowed to complete its tenure and overthrown on October 12, 1999 by General Pervez Musharraf, when he was dismissed by the Prime Minister for intriguing to undermine a democratic government. A lot can be said about the past, but this is an opportunity to look forward. We believe that rather than dwell on what might have been accomplished, it is time to look forward to what can be, and will be accomplished with proper resolve, sound policies, and good governance. Today, to pull the country and the people out of despair and despondency, we need that winning combination, the spirit of 1947.
Crisis is a moment of reflection and introspection in the life of any nation. Election 2002 is the opportunity to reflect upon and recover our founding vision, a vision based not on alien ideals, values, and histories but on our own, which helped us win freedom struggle. Economic prosperity is essential to this vision. Yet, it cannot be the only element, or even the most important one.
The centerpiece of Pakistan�s vision must be justice as enshrined in the principles of Islam. Pakistan itself was born out of the struggle of the Muslim community of South Asia for justice. Today, justice must once again be placed at the center of our definition of good life � justice for all Pakistanis, including women, minorities, and all vulnerable groups. The society must free its citizens from hunger and starvation, ensure equitable access to nutrition, healthcare, education, shelter, and employment, and guarantee the security of their lives and livelihoods.
Second, and equally important, is the goal of citizens� dignity, self-respect, and security through ensuring freedom to hold opinion, belief, customs, and expression in a democratic framework.
The third goal is knowledge, and the pursuit of knowledge: knowledge for progress and competition and for its own sake.
Fourth, is the goal of entrepreneurship and equal economic opportunities for all, not in the sense of an ability to exploit others, but rather as behavior that innovates, produces, and serves the society.
If we are able to achieve these goals, prosperity, too, will come within our reach; otherwise it will remain elusive forever.
Our ability to achieve these goals � knowledge, justice, dignity, security, and entrepreneurship/employment opportunities, and prosperity-depends upon the restoration of political stability and genuine democracy.
PML-N aims to realize the founding vision of Pakistan through restoring economic growth, strengthening national institutions, establishing good governance, ensuring equitable access to economic opportunity, and providing quality social services to all.
i)- Understanding the context:
Pakistan�s ability to progress in the next decade will depend critically on a proper understanding of the opportunities and constraints offered by the changing international situation. Two hundred years ago, at the end of eighteenth century, the �industrial revolution� brought eight hundred years of agricultural wealth creation to an end. The dawn of twenty first century marks the beginning of a new age in the history of mankind. The old foundations of success are gone. In the past, the source of success has been the control of natural sources-land, gold, and oil. Today, the key to progress lies in �knowledge�. Knowledge is the new basis for development and prosperity.
Today, a �knowledge and information revolution� is underway. Microelectronics, computers, telecommunications, man-made materials, robotics, and biotechnology are transforming all aspects of human life. The paradigms of development in today�s world are changing from muscle power to brainpower, making investments in human resource development critical for the success of any society. This revolution is moving us from national economies to a global economy posing serious threats to the future of economies base on commodity products. A new World Trade Order in shape of �World Trade Organization� (WTO) is redrawing the boundaries of international trade. In order to cope with the new challenges, we need to transform our social, political, and economic institutions into responsive, innovative, productive and competitive organizations. Moreover, misunderstandings between civilizations are growing. There is a need for dialogue between Muslim countries and the West to address concerns of the Islamic world.
In this situation, if we didn�t move with speed to eradicate illiteracy and human under-development from our society, the poverty in our society will grow drastically and challenge the social and economic foundations of the state. If we didn�t transform our governmental institutions fast enough to become facilitators of service and change, the potential of our society to move forward will be crushed under the burden of its public sector. Lasting change and leapfrog jump can only take place with the ownership and participation of the people. Therefore, the link between democracy and development is being seen as inevitable all over the world for progress except our country, where military continues to see itself as the sole custodian of the national interests. For coming times, we need to strengthen civil structures of the society and make them responsible. The military power has to be subservient to civil authority.
ii)- Building a knowledge-based and a healthy nation:
With knowledge becoming the key ingredient for wealth creation in future, we need to make education our number one national priority. PML-N government shall make promotion of literacy and quality education its top most priority. During its previous government, a record number of initiatives were undertaken in this direction. A National Education Policy 1998-2010 was launched after extensive consultations with all stakeholders. In 1999, a project was launched to standardize the national curriculum at primary level from 2001. A project to transform existing government high schools in backward and rural areas into �Smart Schools� was initiated to overcome education divide. 300 S&T PhD scholarships/year for local universities with Rs 100,000 per scholarship/year research grant and 100 S&T PhD scholarships/year for studies at world�s top five universities and 100 Takbeer Scholarships for outstanding students after matriculation up to PhD were initiated and allocations were made in 1999-2000 budget. On September 8, 1999 (International Literacy Day) a campaign was launched to achieve the target of 100 percent primary enrollment within three years with more than 850,000 children showing up for enrollment on a single day. Unfortunately, Musharraf government discontinued most of these initiatives. The budget allocation for education also was cut down from 2.6 percent of GDP to 2.0 percent under present regime.
PML-N resolves to implement the National Education Policy 2010 to break the monopoly of elitist education system and to create equal education opportunities for all by reviving delivery of quality education in the public sector.
1. Education up to primary level will be free and the basic right of every child as enshrined in Article 37 of the Constitution.
2. By harnessing public and private sector resources, Universal Primary Education will be achieved by 2005, and at least 75% literacy level in the country will be achieved by 2010 through formal and non-formal education and launching of National Literacy Movement.
3. By 2005, a minimum of ten computers will be provided in every government high school in the country. 2000 Government High Schools will be transformed into Smart Schools by 2010. All universities will be networked by 2004.
4. The public sector schools and colleges shall be reformed to provide high quality education. There will be a quality teacher in every classroom by 2005 through implementing crash teacher training programs and reforming teacher training infrastructure.
5. The student-teacher ratios will be brought back to 1990-91 levels by overcoming deficit of 250,000 primary, middle, high school, and college teachers with recruitment through district based competitive examinations and university teachers on provincial basis.
6. To expand and improve quality education in Pakistan, 4% of GNP will be allocated for education by 2007.
7. A participatory approach will be adopted to achieve key targets by mobilizing government as well as the people, and private sector. Strategies shall be made to optimally harness and utilize the existing education facilities by improving governance, efficiency, monitoring, and effectiveness.
8. National language shall be the prime medium of instruction. English and regional languages will also be given due importance.
9. National curricula will be standardized and adopted at all levels to eliminate multi-class system based education in the country. Sharp focus will be put on academic content in science and mathematics. Curricula will be enriched by putting more emphasis on acquisitions of practical skills, along with theoretical perception, environment and democracy education, delivery system improved through massive national level training and re-training programs, evaluation criteria, tools and process will be improved.
10. Demand based technical and vocational education will be introduced in all government high schools.
11. Programs of life long learning for improving productivity and quality of life for different age groups and genders will be launched through the distance education set up and audio visual channels.
12. Special emphasis will be placed on education of girls to bridge up the gender gap.
13. To help talented students with meager means in receiving higher/professional education, Qarz-e-Hasana scheme will be revived with sufficient safeguards to ensure equal opportunity for all, regardless of income.
14. The deeni madrassahs will be brought into the mainstream of education through extension of technical help and resources by 2005. Mosque literacy schools will be set up in rural areas.
15. Examinations and interviews for entry into superior services will be conducted in both Urdu and English.
16. Private sector�s liberal participation in education will be expanded and an incentive mechanism for encouraging private sector by granting tax rebate, introducing matching grants system; concessional loans etc will be institutionalized.
17. Teaching profession will be made more attractive by grant of higher salaries to teachers who possess qualification higher than the prescribed level. Additional increment for better performers, �Best Teacher Awards� shall be introduced at all levels of education. National medals and awards will be given to nation�s best teachers every year. Principals/Heads of educational institutions/teachers will be given special status in local areas. Female teachers will be posted as close to their homes as possible.
18. Admissions will be on merit and National Testing Service will be set up. B.A degree will be brought at par with international standards.
19. Regular inspection system will be introduced to evaluate performance of teachers and institutions. Competency testing of students to measure increased learning will be carried out, and it will be tied to reward or accountability.
20. Universities will be made more autonomous to provide academic freedom and professional management. Search Committees will be appointed for hunting high quality talent for the positions such as heads of universities and autonomous educational and research organizations.
21. Ethics and values based curriculum and teaching systems with a focus on character building to develop honesty, faith, perseverance, tolerance, justice, accountability, excellence, discipline, wisdom, innovation, respect, and team play, as enshrined in Islam, will be introduced at all levels. The teaching of Quran with translation will be compulsory for all Muslim students in secondary schools.
Science & Technology:
A modern S&T infrastructure was envisioned under Vision 2010. All those initiatives would be revived including:
- 300 PhD scholarships in local universities with a research grant of Rs 400,000/scholarship and increase output of PhDs to 1000/year by 2007.
- 100 PhD scholarships for world�s top five universities in areas of priority for human resource development.
- Reorienting S&T infrastructure towards economic needs of Pakistan for creating sustainable competitive advantage in exports.
- Strengthening the S&T organizations by providing research grants and competent management.
- Developing competencies in the future technologies.
- 100 Takbeer scholarships for talented young Pakistanis after matriculation up to PhD to produce more Dr. Abdus Salam�s.
- Strengthening Quality and Productivity infrastructure in the country through launching a national campaign in partnership with the private sector.
- Promoting indigenous solutions and applied technology for solving our economic and technical problems.
- Offering incentives to outstanding Pakistani scientists and engineers to return to Pakistan and contribute in national development.
- Promoting local talent and manpower in consultancies.
- Giving role to professional bodies in national policy and decision-making.
Health & Population:
Without a healthy nation, there can be neither development nor progress. Pakistan has lagged behind other developing countries in terms of its social development. In the last ten years, due to Social Action Program, initiated by PML-N government, there has been considerable progress in improving the social indicators and controlling the population growth rate as it mandated the provincial governments to make significant allocations for the social sectors, despite the problems it faced due to the frequent change of governments in the 90s. PML-N remains committed to social sector and will pursue policy of providing quality health care to all citizens whether poor, rural, or urban.
- Main Teaching Hospitals both in the Federal Capital and Provincial headquarters will be modernized and equipped with the state of the art medical equipment and facilities especially in the field of Cardiovascular surgery, Cancer, Organs transplant, Brain surgery and Burn and Dialysis units, so that people do not have to seek expensive medical treatment abroad.
- Production of quality generic medicines will be encouraged to provide cheaper medicines to the common man.
- It is estimated that 7 out of 10 deaths in childhood are due to the following main diseases namely diarrhea, malaria, pneumonia, measles and malnutrition especially in the developing countries. Environmental health shall be promoted.
- Cardiac clinics and facilities shall be extended to district level hospitals, and institutes will be provided more advanced technology and modern equipment. Incentives will be provided to
- Cardiac clinics and institutes in the private sector.
- Considering that most instances of heart and the lung diseases, including cancer of the lungs and breast are directly related to smoking, cigarette smoking will not be allowed in most public places while private enterprises will be required to designate �No Smoking� areas. Preventive medicine shall be promoted.
- The Primary health care program will be expanded to provide basic health service facilities to all by making Basic Health Units (BHUs), and Rural Health Centers (RHCs) functional. Thus providing basic health care facilities at the doorsteps of the people in the rural areas through community based health care programs.
- To provide better services and coverage, District and Tehsil Hospitals will be improved and upgraded by appointing DHOs on merit basis, and providing sufficient financial and administrative powers and better living facilities thus ensuring presence of Doctors, Nurses and Para medical staff at primary and secondary health care facilities in a given District.
- Fresh medical graduates, after completing their mandatory house jobs, will be required serve for at least one year in vacant posts in primary and secondary health facilities.
- All out efforts will be made to provide clean drinking water and basic hygiene facilities to the rural population.
- AIDS is an incurable, fatal but preventable disease. A national campaign will be launched to make people aware about its possible prevention and dangerous consequences.
- The existing National program of immunization (EPI) will be considerably expanded and well publicized, through print and electronic media especially the campaign against cluster diseases by giving oral vaccine drops.
- A new anti TB program, DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short Course), against Tuberculosis will be implemented to control Tuberculosis. Massive vaccination against Poliomyelitis, Neonatal tetanus, Malaria and a cluster of childhood diseases will be carried out, and immunization coverage will be increased to 75 � 80%. Hepatitis B coverage will be provided in 60-70% of Districts.
- Medical colleges both in the public and private sectors will be required to adopt, in addition to affiliated teaching hospital a District / Tehsil hospital or primary health care center.
- All private medical colleges will be required by law to follow mutually agreed affordable admission and tuition fees and PMDC approved standards before they are allowed to admit students.
- Homeopathy and Tibb will be promoted after they meet the criteria of desired standards for medical education by making amendments in the law.
- The number of hospitals will be increased to meet the growing demand of patients. Likewise, number of medical graduates, nurses and doctors and paramedics will be increased keeping in mind the ever-growing needs.
- Stringent anti drug steps will be taken to control this menace by cracking down on drug dealers, and providing proper rehabilitation program facilities in all provinces to those who are victims of this scourge.
- Senior citizens will be provided special health care facilities like eye glasses, hospitalization and treatment at favorable fee rates, and pharmacies will be instructed to provide medicines at discounted prices. Free medical care will be provided to deserving patients.
- The PML government will make sure that everyday essential life saving drugs are available to the general public at affordable prices.
- Free medical care will be provided to poor and deserving patients through Zakat fund assistance ear-marked for health care.
- Special education centers shall be opened in all districts.
- Population growth rate shall be brought down to 1.5 percent, and safe motherhood programs shall be promoted.
iii)- Moving through justice to an equitable, safe, and a caring society:
Justice is the corner stone of any civilized society. Without justice the society loses its meaning and existence. In Pakistan, the judicial institutions have decayed along with other institutions and have failed to perform the role prescribed in the Constitution. The fundamental issue is the appointment of judges. If appointment of judges could be ensured on merit alone, a qualitative revolution can be brought in judiciary within a short period of time. The judiciary is under-funded and lacks support functions that are essential for speedy justice.
Crime and punishment are two morally linked concepts that have become almost totally disconnected in our society. Vicious criminals are released again and again into our communities, as ordinary citizens watch in helplessness. Our judicial system is being misused to the advantage of criminals. The criminals no longer fear our courts and the judicial system. They know the loopholes and the technicalities by which our courts often set the guilty free. If a government fails in its duty to protect the life and property of its citizens, nothing else it does in the end will matter. We assert that its time to restore the link between crime and punishment.
PML-N will:
- Appoint a judicial commission comprising eminent jurists, Judges, Parliamentarians, Representatives of Businessmen and Lawyers, and civil society to recommend and supervise restructuring and reform of judicial system within six months.
- The system of appointment of judges will be reformed to ensure appointments on merit in a transparent manner.
- The judicial system will be strengthened to award punishments within six months to the culprits in heinous crime cases.
- Judicial Information system shall be put in place for efficient functioning of judiciary.
- Lower judiciary will be strengthened for speedy delivery of justice.
- Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms shall be developed to facilitate social cohesion.
- All discriminatory laws shall be abolished.
- Jury system shall be introduced.
Law and order:
The dream of economic development remains forever elusive without peace and security. Unfortunately, the present government has failed to curb terrorism and crime in the country. The previous PML-N government maintained a tough stance in dealing with crime and criminals. It would weed out terrorism and crime from the society by reforming the criminal justice system.
- Fair and across the board application of law shall be ensured in the fight against crime.
- Police will be made a community oriented service, and reformed to become a modern crime-fighting machine with better training and equipment.
- Heinous crime cases and criminals shall be dealt with iron hand.
- Criminal justice system will be reformed for speedy disposal of heinous crime cases through strengthening of lower judiciary.
- Narcotics trade and sectarian/religious violence will be eliminated from the society.
- Jails will be made correction centers and the facilities will be improved.
- Security agencies will be made effective for eradication of terrorism and crime from society.
- Special monitoring cells will be set up in the center and the provinces to check heinous crimes.
- Crime fighting agencies will be trained in the modern investigation and crime prevention techniques and tools.
- Citizen and Police liaison committees will be set up at all levels.
- The budget for inland security shall be doubled.
- Pakistan Penal Code, Law of Evidence, and the Criminal Procedures Code shall be revised to bring them in line with the requirements of the society.
Social welfare:
In an Islamic society welfare of people in general, and of the destitute in particular, is the fundamental responsibility of the government. PML-N during its both tenures implemented programs for welfare of the poor and the needy. PML-N shall start new social welfare initiatives.
- Zakat and Baitul Mal delivery system shall be further improved to reach the needy.
- Food stamp scheme shall be expanded for the poor.
- Free education for orphans shall be provided.
- Job shall be provided to a family member of a public servant who dies on job.
- All widows, who have minor children and no means of livelihood, shall be provided stipends by the state.
- Orphan children, who have no earning member/means in family, shall have free education.
Pensioners & Senior Citizens:
- Pensioners shall enjoy senior citizen status.
- Senior citizens will get discount on rail, road, and air travel.
- Scholarships for higher education shall be launched for children of pensioners retired in grade 1-15.
- Prompt and timely monthly payment of pension shall be ensured.
- The services of Pensioners shall be utilized in literacy and community based projects, and district think tanks shall be set up to enable pensioners provide guidance to government departments in their area of expertise.
iv) Providing dignity and freedom to people through a tolerant democratic order and good governance.
The future of Pakistani society depends on its response to four forces: Islam, Economy, Governance, and Democracy. Today, we stand at the threshold of a new era that brings great challenges and opportunities for us as a state and a society. Pakistan, which was created by the Muslims of South Asia under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam, was supposed to be a model state for Muslims, where a society based on the ideals of social justice, equality, economic progress, and tolerance as enshrined in Islam could be established.
The Pakistan movement united the Muslims of South Asia under one platform and one leadership to produce a miracle in the human history. Never before, the human history had blessed any group of people in the manner in which Muslims of South Asia were rewarded. Within seven years after March 23, 1940, when Pakistan was considered to be a mad man�s dream, Pakistan appeared on the map of the world as the largest Muslim country on August 14, 1947. No nation had realized its vision in such a short period of time and so peacefully in history before.
That was 1947, but today more than ever we seem to be confused over the meaning and philosophy of our nationhood. The nation, which stood united to win freedom from the colonial masters, is today grappling with the sectarian, ethnic and regional divides. There are basically three planes � social, political and economic � at whose level we need to examine these growing tensions within the state structures and society. At social level, we are struggling to find the focus in our ideology and values that form basis of the state. From advocates of an extreme interpretation of Islam to secular minds, each group tries to interpret meaning of Pakistani nationhood in the light of vested interests.
It is time to give the people of Pakistan a paradigm of politics, which on one hand reflects the mood, wishes, and aspirations of the people, and on the other hand is broad enough to unite all citizens under one umbrella. A paradigm which provides a link between faith, economy, governance, and democracy to take us into the twenty first century as a progressive, pluralist, and a dynamic society.
The basic principles of Islamic political system, under which sovereignty belongs to Allah, are popular legitimacy (bay-at), consultative decision-making (shoora), merit, accountability, service (servant leadership), dignity for citizens (putting well being of people first), and tolerance. These are also the ideals of democracy. The early Muslim rulers set up extraordinary models on these principles that contemporary history can�t match. We want to revive these principles and create a society that respects human dignity, and provides social justice for all regardless of gender, religion, or caste. Our fundamental goals are honest, efficient, and caring government and well-being and welfare of people through their empowerment.
Political reforms:
Supremacy of the Constitution and Parliament shall be restored through making parliamentary institutions effective, accountable, and responsive to the people.
A new political order shall be enforced in consultation with the opposition, whose guiding principles shall be the following:
i). Ensuring mutual respect and tolerance
ii). Respecting rule of law and independence of judiciary
iii). Promoting good governance
iv). Strengthening democratic and national institutions
v). Developing consensus on national reform agenda and economic policies, and ensuring continuity of national policies
vi). Recognizing freedom of expression and the media
vii). Empowering citizens, professionals, middle class, and vulnerable groups into the mainstream of democratic process
- A permanent National Commission for Democracy shall be established that will work for the strengthening of democracy in the country and promote democratic tolerance. The commission will also give funds to political parties on the basis of their seats in Parliament for party development and political education.
- Parliamentary control will be strengthened through reinforcing the Public Accounts Committee, whose leader shall be elected in consultation with the Opposition.
- Prime Minister shall answer questions in the Parliament at least once in a month.
- A conflict of interest law shall be passed.
- Simplicity shall be enforced at all levels of the state machinery.
- The number of days for the sittings of the Parliament and provincial assemblies shall be increased, and legislation by ordinance will be discontinued.
- The role of standing committees of the Parliament shall be enhanced through holding of public proceedings, and empowering them to clear important appointments like judges, ambassadors, heads of autonomous corporations.
- A law shall be passed in consultation with the Opposition for a neutral caretaker government�s installation before every general election.
- Chief Election Commissioner shall be appointed in consultation with the Opposition. Election Commission will be given adequate constitutional protection for discharging its duties freely.
- The sizes of national and provincial cabinets shall be curtailed.
- VIP culture shall be eliminated in all spheres of government.
- Provincial autonomy shall be respected and enforced as given in the Constitution.
- A Parliamentary committee shall be formed to recommend amendments for political reforms.
- All international treaties and conventions shall be ratified by the Parliament.
- Parliament shall release an annual report informing people about its performance and legislation.
- At the start of every parliamentary year, a conference of leaders of both houses and Opposition, Speaker and Deputy National Assembly and Chairman and Deputy Chairman Senate shall be held to review and plan for the legislative business.
- An Ethics Committee of both houses of Parliament shall ensure that members discharge their functions with honesty and highest standards of integrity.
Civil-military relations:
The crux of Pakistan�s failure in developing sustainable democracy lies in the repeated interference of a handful of generals in the political affairs of the country, which has destabilized the country to a point that further continuation of this game has become a serious threat to the Federation. We lost East Pakistan on this account, and voices of dissent from smaller provinces are once again emerging. PML-N feels it is about time that military, which is a prestigious national institution, resumes a pure professional role like other countries in South Asia.
- Cabinet Defense Committee shall be made more effective for exchange of views on strategic issues between civil and military leadership. It shall have a permanent secretariat and it will meet at least once in four months.
- Military�s honor and respect as a professional and apolitical institution shall be restored.
- Defense budget barring classified items shall be debated in the Parliament.
- To block future military takeovers, an amendment shall be made in the Constitution that the issue of military overthrow of democratic government can be taken up by the Parliament at any time not withstanding any judgment of court or any act of Parliament.
- Military law shall be amended to make obedience of unlawful command a crime like the disobedience of a lawful command.
- The Prime Minister shall be the supreme Commander of the armed forces.
- The efficacy of the Higher Defense Organization, created two decades ago, shall be reviewed.
- The service chiefs shall be appointed on merit by the President on advice of the Prime Minister from amongst three senior most officers.
- The task of military intelligence agencies shall be confined to security and counter terrorism assignments only.
- Defense Production capability shall be professionalized and commercialized
- Highest professional standards in the armed forces shall be maintained.
Good Governance:
Neither sustained economic growth nor improvement in social services is possible without the restoration of good governance in the country. The crisis of governance has many features. At the most dramatic level is the break down of law and order, threatening the very life and livelihood of citizens, because of crime, civic conflict, terror, corruption, and inefficiency. A related contributory factor is the loss of public control over state institutions (especially the police and security agencies), and in some cases even the criminalization of the latter.
PML-N initiated several good governance programs in the government that helped in reducing the Corruption Index rating of Pakistan from 2nd to 11th, which has remained unchanged in the last three years. Quotas of PM/CMs/Governors were abolished. Major education, health, and administrative reforms were initiated.
PML-N shall focus on changing the system of institutions and incentives that affect the behavior of public officials, business entrepreneurs, and citizens to provide a government that is based on merit, honesty, accountability, transparency, and respect of citizens. Pakistan today needs a government that works better and costs less.
- All discretionary powers shall be withdrawn. Governance shall be done by law, not discretion. Misuse of authority shall be punished.
- Civil Service Reforms shall be carried out oriented through training and incentive schemes to make the civil service professional, performance based, and citizen service.
- Every government department and agency shall practice �Total Quality Governance� by treating the citizen as customer.
- Every government department will develop Citizen Rights Charter.
- Every government department will develop Vision and Mission statement in consultation with the stakeholders, define its performance indicators, and develop a system of incentive and monitoring to measure performance and results not red-tapism.
- Every department will undertake the task of cutting obsolete regulations and useless paperwork.
- National University of Public Administration will be established to overlook training and education of public servants.
- A National Accountability body shall be set up, whose head will be appointed in consultation with the Opposition, to check corruption in all sectors of the society.
- Auditor General Office shall be modernized and empowered to check corruption and abuse of authority in government departments.
- Austerity shall be established at all levels of government.
- Assets of public representatives and senior officials shall be disclosed as public record.
- Freedom of information law will be enacted.
- Salaries of public servants shall be raised.
- Devolution, decentralization, and delegation shall be pursued to create a government that is closer to people and works.
- Prime Minister�s annual �National Performance Awards� for government servants shall be started with handsome award money to recognize services of the honest and the competent.
- District Ombudsman Offices shall be set up in all districts to provide relief to common men against injustice of local offices.
- Tenure of office for officers will be fixed and every ministry/department will prepare a performance contract with an incentive scheme for meeting the targets.
- Merit will be ensured in all government appointments and postings. No discretionary power, quota, or relaxation of rules shall be permitted.
- Collaboration between government and non-governmental agencies and citizens shall be promoted.
- System for issuance of public, court, and personal documents relating to property, cases, records, shall be overhauled to ensure delivery of copy within 24 hours.
- System of payment of utility bills shall be streamlined to eliminate inconvenience to general public.
- Bureaucracy shall be de-politicized and government officers shall be given security of tenure.
- Luxurious residences of government functionaries and prime state land shall be auctioned to pay back national debt.
- IT shall be deployed on priority basis in government departments (e-government) to facilitate provision of services and check corruption.
- �Turn Around Program (TAP)� for state enterprises shall be initiated with the goal of cutting losses by 25 percent in 12 months through internal organization change and professional management. The experiments of forcing change from top by either CEO or management change have failed. A comprehensive framework involving organization wide cultural change paradigm will be implemented.
- Military will be withdrawn from WAPDA/KESC and other civil institutions to develop institutional and professional competence in public sector organizations.
Citizens Dignity:
One of the fundamental elements of the vision for Pakistan was that all citizens should enjoy equal respect and dignity regardless of religion, language, or background under freedom. Unfortunately, after fifty-five years the people of Pakistan are still slaves in their own country. They are exploited by the state structures daily in government offices and at their places of work. Public servants belonging to civil-military bureaucracy have emerged as a new ruling elite class. The people, in general, and taxpayers, in particular, are humiliated every day. It is time to reverse the order. People are the real owners and the job of public servants is to serve them. PML-N shall bring far reaching administrative reforms to remove the elements of colonial legacy from our administrative structures and make them citizen friendly and accountable to people. No citizen shall either be humiliated in any government office or ignored by any government functionary.
- Humiliation of any citizen by any state functionary shall be declared an offence.
- District ombudsmen shall be entitled to look into cases of abuse against citizens.
- Any surveillance or harassment of citizens by intelligence agencies on political grounds shall be an offence. Phone tapping/recording shall be banned.
- Private property of citizens shall be respected by all state agencies.
- The abominable practice of arbitrary punishments by landlords and private jails shall be eradicated with iron hand. Local administration shall be punished if such practices are condoned.
- All government offices shall provide respectable places for visitors waiting.
- Fundamental rights of citizens shall be respected at all levels.
v) Generating prosperity through sustainable development and transforming economy into an enterprise and knowledge economy
Economic reforms:
PML-N government in its first tenure initiated far reaching economic reforms in the country, which included steps such as deregulation, privatization, and opening of economy. During its second tenure, PML-N introduced financial sector reforms by granting autonomy to State Bank and reforming public sector financial institutions and taking steps such as reducing number of national holidays, abolishing octroi taxes. PML-N also initiated projects to build a modern economic infrastructure in the country. As a result, the motorways, highways, telecommunications, airports, rural economy, urban development and modern financial services all have the leadership of Nawaz Sharif behind them.
Today, we face a serious crisis of confidence in and outside the country. Pakistan�s economic growth has slowed down. The world market is changing rapidly. We need to jump start the economy by achieving a six plus growth rate.
Pakistan�s number one challenge for economic recovery is restoration of a stable democratic government to improve country�s risk perception.
Second challenge is to restore the confidence of domestic investors. PML-N shall create a collaborative framework for management of economy in shape of �Pakistan Business Council�, which shall be headed by the Prime Minister with equal representation of public and private sector representatives.
Third challenge is to restructure Pakistan�s productive sectors to meet the challenges of the emerging global economy, regional markets, and WTO. In this direction, PML-N will launch major initiatives for transforming Pakistan�s economy into �knowledge economy� by making our industry, agriculture, and service sectors competitive on the basis of value-addition, quality, and productivity.
Fourth challenge is to provide our businessmen with a level playing field with their competitors. All discriminatory and business unfriendly procedures, taxes, and tariffs shall be rationalized.
Fifth challenge is to create an enabling environment by eliminating corruption, making civil service business friendly, revolutionizing tax administration, ensuring protection of life and property, and delivering justice. PML-N through governance reform program is addressing these issues as a national priority.
Sixth challenge is to fight poverty and ensure equitable fruits of economic development across social and regional groups. This can only happen when the economy recaptures its growth momentum and distribution of resources is done fairly.
PML-N launched Vision 2010 during its government to transform Pakistan into a world class competitive economy under which the key policy areas of focus were improving institutional capacity and governance through political stability and competent and honest civil service, improving macro economic management and performance, accelerating improvement in human resource development, increasing savings and investment rates, removing current shortages and meeting the growing demand for infrastructure services, establishing collaborative partnerships between government, private sector, and the citizens, and protecting the environment. Pakistan needs a long-term perspective plan to meet these challenges. PML-N shall revive Vision 2010.
Industry & Trade:
- Investment policies based on quantum export increase shall be introduced.
- Policies for key sectors shall be announced in the budget for next five years to overcome uncertainty.
- Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) shall be promoted for employment creation and export growth.
- New industrial estate shall be created for development of export and small industries.
- Revival of sick industries will be given priority.
- BOI shall be expanded to give adequate private sector representation.
- Electronics, Engineering, Chemicals, and Agro-based industry shall be promoted as new engines of industrial growth.
- In partnership with the private sector, Pakistan will be put as a world leader in textile related sectors.
- GST, taxes, tariffs shall be streamlined and rationalized for providing our businessmen a level playing field with their competitors.
- The role of business chambers and professional bodies shall be expanded into areas of training, research, and capacity building of members.
- Rights of consumers shall be protected and strict action will be taken against counterfeit producers/adulteration.
- Multiple tax collection procedures shall be integrated into one window operation.
- Equitable labor policy shall be introduced and special program for up gradation of skills and promoting quality culture through training shall be launched.
- Corporate sector will be given incentives to invest in the training of employees, their welfare, and community services such as establishing schools and clinics.
- Embassies of Pakistan will be given export orientation, and their performance shall be judged on export development.
- Tourism industry shall be developed initially by promoting domestic tourism and subsequently foreign tourism by building necessary infrastructure. Special incentives shall be given to employers to arrange package tours for employees and for educational institutions.
- Outstanding businessmen/exporters/taxpayers shall be given national medals and awards every year.
- Mineral industry shall be developed through participation of private sector investment to augment industrial growth in Pakistan.
- Incentives shall be offered for development of Research & Development in private sector.
- To develop research based knowledge foundations and quality in industry, �Technology Triangle� shall be created in each sector comprising of government, research institutions, and the private sector.
- Cluster approach, i.e. an amalgamation of key industries, supporting sectors, infrastructures, and institutions that are interlinked and interdependent because of shared technological and skill base shall be followed for the development of industries.
- Privatization process shall be accelerated in a transparent manner and on the basis of sound commercial terms.
Agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan�s economy. PML-N government had initiated far-reaching programs to boost agriculture production, which continued to show results even after change of the government. These steps included doubling of loans to small farmers, timely provision of unadulterated seed, fertilizers and pesticides, investment in water resources, reduction in the price of tractors and agricultural implements, and favorable support price. Pakistan�s basic endowments in agriculture sector are its strength. PML-N will transformagriculture into a value added sector by promoting exotic and value added crops such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, and horticulture along with realizing higher production in traditional crops such as cotton, rice, wheat and sugarcane.
- Five-year value addition agriculture master plan shall be developed for each district.
- Agricultural productivity shall be enhanced through balanced use of fertilizer and micronutrients, increased use of certified seed, adequate plant protection and improved farm management.
- Self-sufficiency shall be realized in production of tea and edible oil.
- Farm service centers shall be established at Union Council levels to provide one window facility for all agricultural inputs.
- Olive plantations shall be introduced on large scale.
- Horticulture and floriculture industry will be developed.
- Export of fruits and vegetables shall be promoted.
- Agriculture marketing infrastructure shall be improved by establishing district and tehsil markets network.
- Loans for small farmers shall be doubled to upgrade their production capacity, and given through one window operation. Every farmer shall be issued a passbook like NIC.
- Agriculture Credit Card scheme shall be introduced for farmers to get working capital, fertilizers, pesticides, and seed.
- Rural enterprise and economy shall be developed by promoting cottage industries in the villages and expanding rural infrastructure.
- More than 5,000 kilometers Farm to market roads shall be constructed.
- More than 2500 villages shall be provided electricity and no village will remain without electricity.
- Canal lining, cementing of watercourses, land leveling, and construction of small dams will be under taken on priority basis.
- New water reservoirs shall be constructed to account for loss of storage capacity. Water management and conservation shall be accorded highest priority.
- More than 10,000 farmers will be trained in modern and progressive farming.
- The livestock research and extension shall be strengthened to increase the production of milk, meat, and other livestock products. Feed and fodder resources shall be developed to provide balanced and nutritious feed to livestock. Export of livestock shall be promoted.
- Water logging and salinity control programs shall be launched.
- Special incentives shall be launched for harnessing the full potential of fisheries sector by improving fish catching procedures, storage, packaging, and shipment facilities.
- Infrastructure to market horticulture, fruit products such as dates, mangoes, citrus etc in international markets shall be built.
- Herbal and natural products industry will be developed and marketed internationally.
- Forests shall be preserved and doubled by launching massive plantation drives.
- Barani areas potential shall be developed by providing modern agriculture-related infrastructure and introducing high yield, drought tolerant varieties of food and fodder crops.
- Landless haris shall be allotted state land and given loans to buy tractors and install tube wells.
- Agriculture taxes will be unified.
- Prices of agricultural machinery, pesticides, fertilizers, and seeds shall be rationalized.
- Bulk consumers of electricity for tube wells will get discounts.
- Distribution of water by irrigation departments will be made transparent and fair.
- Abiana (water rate) system will be reformed.
- Cultivatable land not cultivated for more than two years shall be taxed.
- Research in biotechnology, genetic engineering, tissue culture, and embryo transfer technology shall be given highest priority for breakthroughs in agricultural productivity.
- Use of fertile agricultural lands in vicinity of urban and rural areas for housing societies, roads, and industrial estates shall be discouraged. Such activities shall be promoted on marginal lands.
Information Technology:
PML-N government had set up a modern digital and fiber optic based telecommunication infrastructure, and developed country�s first National IT Policy in consultation with the private sector, on 16th August 1999, in a National IT Summit. PML-N will implement that policy.
- Pakistan shall be made a mini-superpower in IT by 2010.
- E-government, e-business, e-education network projects shall be launched.
- 10,000 PCs shall be distributed among poor and deserving students on merit.
- Paperless work environment shall be introduced in government departments.
- GIS application for rural/urban mapping, infrastructure development, crop estimation, and soil studies shall be promoted.
- Computer advance of Rs 35,000 shall be allowed to all government employees on the pattern of motor cycle/car advance.
- Software exports shall be increased by over 20 percent per year.
- Quality manpower shall be developed, and IT education standardization examination shall be introduced.
Poverty Alleviation:
Poverty in Pakistan has assumed very alarming levels. It has increased from 36% to 40% under the present government. PML-N government had launched Poverty Alleviation Fund during its rule. It shall promote pro-poor policies for poverty alleviation. A Poverty Alleviation cell shall be established in the Prime Minister�s Office to monitor implementation of pro-poor and poverty eradication policies.
- Each district shall compile a register of destitutes, widows, orphans, and old persons unable to fend for themselves in order to provide a system of support.
- Banking system will be oriented towards self-employment and small business needs.
- A national food security system will be created through food stamps.
- A primary health care plan for the poor shall be designed.
- Special non-formal education programs shall be launched for the poor.
- Disaster prevention and rehabilitation programs for the poor shall be started.
- State land shall be distributed among the landless.
- Employment through labor intensive and community development projects shall be created.
- Ownership deeds shall be provided to poor on priority basis.
- Mass training program in basic skills, combined with village based employment provision projects, self-employment in urban areas, and technical employment in industry, infrastructure projects shall be started.
- Human rights and dignity of the poor shall be protected at all cost.
- Poverty shall be targeted through promoting alms (sadaqat) in the Islamic tradition.
Growing unemployment is posing serious challenge to the stability and peace of the society. PML-N shall start labor-intensive projects for employment generation, and employment planning shall form integral part of development planning.
- National credit policy shall provide sufficient allocation of funds for small-scale industry and self-employment schemes.
- The curricula shall be modified to inculcate entrepreneurial skills among the youth.
- Entrepreneurship and small business development programs/ training centers shall be set up in the universities to train unemployed youth.
- Mobile training facilities shall be provided at the doorsteps of youth clusters.
- Youth career counseling services shall be set up in the colleges/universities.
- Computerized Employment Exchange shall be set up in every district.
- Special Training programs for export of manpower in areas/fields of demand shall be started.
- Existing training institutes shall be strengthened and focused on market demand and need.
- Apprenticeship and industrial training schemes shall be started.
PML-N governments and the leadership of Mr. Nawaz Sharif have been behind building of a modern infrastructure in the country. PML-N will continue its policies of giving Pakistan a world-class modern infrastructure.
- Motorway projects of Islamabad-Peshawar and Karachi-Hyderabad shall be completed by 2007.
- All inter district roads shall be repaired and maintained in good condition.
- Network of farm to market roads shall be established in the country.
- Digital telephone exchanges shall be installed in rural areas.
- New Islamabad Airport project shall be initiated.
- Karachi and Lahore airports and Karachi port shall be made competitive with the regional airports and ports.
- Makran Coastal Highway and Gwadar port projects shall be completed on priority basis.
- Kohat tunnel, Northern by-pass Karachi, Ring Road Lahore projects will be completed expeditiously.
- Pak Railways tracks and services shall be upgraded.
- By 2010, all villages shall have access with roads, electricity, and clean drinking water.
PML-N shall revamp public transport in urban areas with a view to providing efficient travel facilities, reducing traffic congestion, and minimizing pollution.
- Public transport schemes, with special emphasis on public transport in the rural areas, shall be launched.
- Traffic management system in the cities shall be streamlined.
- The system of issuing driving licenses shall be revised to check accidents on road.
- Strict punishments shall be enforced for negligence and accidents on road.
- To solve transport problem for the poor and lower middle class, loans for purchase of bi-cycles and motorcycles shall be offered.
- Motor vehicle laws shall be revised and death compensation shall be raised from Rs 16,000 to Rs 50,000.
- Pakistan Railways shall be transformed into a modern and efficient service by upgrading its infrastructure and service.
- PIA shall be transformed into a leading carrier of Asia.
Environment and Forestry:
- Conservation of existing forests, watershed, rangeland, and wildlife resources by sustainable utilization and their development shall be ensured.
- Agro-forestry programs shall be promoted to meet the demand for fuel wood.
- Fast growing, multi-purpose tree species shall be planted in irrigated plantations, riverside areas, marginal lands, and private farmlands to meet the industrial and domestic demand.
- Aggressive National plantation campaigns shall be organized with the help of schools, colleges, industry, farmers, and citizens.
- Non-governmental organizations shall be encouraged to educate the masses on environmental issues.
- National parks, game sanctuaries, and game reserves shall be maintained for the conservation of wildlife.
- Concrete steps shall be taken to control water and air pollution.
- Solid and hazardous waste disposal schemes for cities shall be launched.
- Steps shall be taken to control ocean dumping of waste, medical waste tracking, toxic substances control, marine protection, and pesticides management.
Tax reforms:
A core objective of our agenda is to replace big-spending, high taxing, and over regulating government that now shackles the initiatives of Pakistani people. We need policies and programs that enhance opportunities for people, and provide individuals and families better quality of life. In order to achieve these goals, we need to create an environment that supports entrepreneurship, innovation, new opportunities, and growth.
Any real tax reform must be more fair, efficient, simple, and pro growth. One litmus test of an acceptable tax system is that it imposes the lowest possible costs of compliance, administration, and enforcement. The existing tax system is totally unacceptable on this basis. Every step is extremely complicated, requiring an enormous number of man-hours and millions of rupees in manpower, machinery, and paper costs. We promise a tax revolution, not mere tax reforms. Instead of focusing on the misbehavior of some tax officials, we must reduce compliance, administration, and enforcement costs of tax laws through simple and a transparent tax regime.
We will make taxes more visible to the people who pay them by sharing the information. All taxpayers will be fully informed on exactly what is being taxed, how they are being taxed, and what their true tax liability is.
- CBR shall be replaced with a professional body, �Pakistan Revenue Authority�.
- Emphasis shall be on direct taxation.
- NIC # based tax system shall be introduced.
- Simplification of laws of Customs, Central Excise, Sales Tax, and measures to safeguard the taxpayer against harassment.
- A more egalitarian distribution of wealth through progressive system of taxation.
- One window tax collection shall be introduced.
- Tax rates shall be reduced and tax base shall be broadened.
- Tax laws shall be made compliance friendly.
Oil and gas constitute nearly 80 percent of Pakistan�s primary commercial energy supplies. If our indigenous energy production (oil/gas/hydro/nuclear/coal) remained at the present level, we may need to annually import some 84 million TOE energy at a cost of about $ 13 billion by the year 2010. Import of these quantities would require matching increase in the handling infrastructure. Our import dependence on oil, therefore, has to be contained, if not curtailed. PML-N shall:
- Promote oil and gas exploration in under-explored/un-explored areas, including offshore, through research, studies, incentives.
- Start at least one hydel project of the size of 2500 MW.
- Expedite Thar Coal field development and start production for electricity generation.
- Implement gas pipeline project from CAR/Iran.
- Convert 25% road transport, including urban buses, from petrol/diesel to CNG for environmental and economical reasons.
- Promote sustainable development and efficient use of biomass fuels for rural energy development.
- Add at least 2-3% of renewables to energy mix i.e. solar, geothermal, wind, biogas, mini/micro hydel etc.
- Ensure provision of affordable electric power to consumers, industry, and farmers.
- Develop infrastructure for transmission and distribution of energy products.
Urban Development and Housing:
Large sections of population are living in slums in urban areas and ramshackle houses in rural areas. PML-N intends to initiate a nation wide policy to upgrade the quality of housing facilities and set up new satellite towns near big cities. Schemes on the pattern of Mera Ghar shall be launched in partnership with the private sector.
- Civic services for people in cities will include affordable housing, clean drinking water, sewerage, access roads, and affordable transport.
- House Ownership Plan for everyone (HOPE) shall be started to provide people an opportunity to own a house.
- Loans for house building for retired persons, widows, and handicapped shall be increased.
- Construction industry shall be given incentives to generate employment opportunities.
- A Master Plan shall be developed for the ten largest cities of Pakistan.
vi) Creating happy communities and nation
Muslims of South Asia struggled for a separate state in order to ordain their lives according to the principles of Islam. Our society will find peace only when the society is structured on the teachings of Islam. It is time that we use Islam to unify us as a nation not divide us, and we use Islam to create a happy society not one bleeding with sectarian killings. PML-N is committed to creating a society that can serve as a model in the twenty first century of a progressive, tolerant, just, and a dynamic Muslim culture. We believe in creating a society that rests on ethics and values of honesty, shared responsibility, trust, and hard work. The recommendations of CII shall be discussed in the parliament. Our concept of human happiness is not confined to material well-being but all encompasses spiritual well being. We aim for a society that is governed by humane governance, enriches human life in every area, and respects other religions.
Social cohesion:
Societies that are socially not cohesive need no enemies. We need to develop social capital and trust. PML-N believes in promoting harmony and understanding among all groups of the society. This can be realized through following policies of inclusion. PML-N will promote dialogue and cooperation at all levels. Happy societies are created if there are happy families and happy communities. PML-N shall promote strong family ties and strengthening of neighborhood networks to create a web of happy communities. Inter-provincial harmony and inter-faith dialogue shall also be promoted to create broader understanding among all citizens.
Fighting sectarianism & terrorism:
Pakistan has been the worst sufferer as far as terrorism is concerned. Killings of innocent civilians can never be justified under any law or religion. PML-N shall never compromise with terrorists and will take all necessary steps to clean the country from sectarian violence and terrorism.
In Islam, women enjoy place of honor and dignity that is unparallel in history. The talents of both men and women are acknowledged equally in Islam. It is for the same reason that acquiring knowledge has been ordained for both equally. PML-N shall:
- Ensure respect, dignity, and protection granted by Islam to women.
- Promote participation of women in national development and their social, political, and economic empowerment.
- Give preference to women teachers in primary education.
- Relax age limit for mothers and widows to seek employment.
- Promote female education and health care programs to overcome gender gaps.
- Widows with minor children who have no source of income shall be provided stipends by the government till a child reaches the age of 18.
- Employment quota for women shall be protected.
- Effective representation of women in all key policy/decision making bodies shall be ensured.
- Special legislation on violence against women and child abuse shall be enacted.
- Law relating to sexual harassment shall be reviewed and made more effective.
- First Women�s Bank shall retain its women focus.
- Women�s access to ownership and control of assets shall be increased, particularly in government distributed land and property through joint names of husband and wife.
- Strict enforcement of inheritance laws in favor of women shall be done.
- Self-employment opportunities for women shall be increased.
- Women/gender concerns shall be incorporated in all national policies.
Youth is Pakistan�s future. More than 52 percent of our population is less than 19 years of age. PML-N believes that it is the youth, which can change the destiny of the nation.
- Youth training program shall be started to create 100,000 positions for apprenticeship in trade and industry. These opportunities shall be created in collaboration with the private sector.
- Self-employment loans shall be extended to those who complete training/apprenticeship.
- Youth shall be involved in community development work through �National Development Youth Corp�.
- Special youth tourism programs shall be launched.
- Inter-province visits of youth shall be organized.
- Youth shall be provided special sports facilities.
- Anti-addiction campaign shall be launched to stop youth from drugs abuse.
- National Youth Olympic shall be organized.
- National youth talent awards shall be given every year to outstanding youth.
No economy can prosper without fair and equitable treatment of its work force. PML-N developed a Labor friendly policy during its government. It shall be continued.
- Safety at work and proper compensation for industrial injuries shall be legislated.
- Total prohibition of child labor through effective monitoring and strict enforcement of law shall be ensured.
- Laws pertaining to bonded labor and unpaid labor shall be strengthened and effectively enforced.
- Quality of labor force shall be improved through technical training and apprenticeship.
- Quality schools and colleges for children of labor shall be opened.
- Social security and health service shall be improved.
- Fund shall be set up for helping families of workers whose death is caused by accident on job.
- Special tourism programs shall be arranged for workers.
- Parks/ community centers shall be developed near labor colonies.
- Incentives shall be given to employers for offering scholarships for the talented children of workers.
An Islamic society is obliged to protect the social, religious, and economic interests of minorities. PML-N shall steadfastly guard these interests and ensure their absolute and fundamental rights of freedom, security, equal opportunity, and equality before law.
- A commission shall be set up to look into complaints of religious discrimination.
- Scholarships for higher education shall be offered for talented children of minorities with poor background.
- Minorities shall be integrated in the mainstream of national development.
Backward areas:
National unity can�t be effectively realized until all the regions share the fruits of freedom and development. Unfortunately, there exists large disparity between various regions of Pakistan. PML-N is committed to bridging this gap by building infrastructure in the backward areas. The province of Balochistan, tribal areas, and Northern areas will be targeted on priority basis for accelerated development along with backward areas of Sindh, NWFP, and Punjab provinces. In these areas roads, electricity, drinking water, education, and basic health facilities shall be provided.
Overseas Pakistanis:
Overseas Pakistanis are a valuable asset for the country. PML-N shall ensure their participation in the national affairs through consultation and representation in national bodies.
- Overseas Pakistanis shall be given the right of vote
- Successful businessmen and those with a record of outstanding community work shall be given awards every year.
- Outstanding professional Overseas Pakistanis shall be offered special packages to return home and contribute in the development of their homeland.
- Special tourism programs shall be offered for the children of overseas Pakistanis to familiarize them with Pakistan, its culture, and people.
- Special transfer programs shall be started for the children of Overseas Pakistanis to study in Pakistani universities for a semester.
- The performance of Embassies and PIA shall be improved to facilitate homecoming for the Overseas Pakistanis.
- OPF shall be expanded with broader representation of the nominees of Overseas Pakistanis, and reformed to serve their needs better.
Nation�s physical fitness is ensured through promotion of sports in the society. During last three years, Pakistan�s performance in the international sports events has been disappointing due to Musharraf government�s policies of putting non-professional personnel as head of sports bodies. PML-N will put Pakistan on top in the international sports arena by:
- Appointing competent professionals to head the sports bodies.
- Providing sports facilities at Union Council and High School level.
- Restoring Pakistan�s leadership in hockey, cricket, and squash.
- Providing scholarships and training assistance to outstanding players.
- Recognizing national talent by giving awards to nation�s best players every year.
- Hosting international sports events in Pakistan.
- Football, tennis, athletics, swimming, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, boxing, water and indoor sports shall also be promoted to produce international level players.
Art & Culture:
PML-N shall promote national and regional arts and cultures by
- Establishing network of centers for promotion of art and culture at tehsil levels.
- Increasing funding for conservation of heritage.
- Organizing art and culture festivals/exhibitions at district levels.
- Promoting learning centers/academies for arts and cultures.
PML-N government had set up a modern digital and fiber optic based telecommunication infrastructure, and developed country�s first National IT Policy in consultation with the private sector, on 16th August 1999, in a National IT Summit. PML-N will implement that policy.
- Pakistan shall be made a mini-superpower in IT by 2010.
- E-government, e-business, e-education network projects shall be launched.
- 10,000 PCs shall be distributed among poor and deserving students on merit.
- Paperless work environment shall be introduced in government departments.
- GIS application for rural/urban mapping, infrastructure development, crop estimation, and soil studies shall be promoted.
- Computer advance of Rs 35,000 shall be allowed to all government employees on the pattern of motor cycle/car advance.
- Software exports shall be increased by over 20 percent per year.
- Quality manpower shall be developed, and IT education standardization examination shall be introduced.
Poverty Alleviation:
Poverty in Pakistan has assumed very alarming levels. It has increased from 36% to 40% under the present government. PML-N government had launched Poverty Alleviation Fund during its rule. It shall promote pro-poor policies for poverty alleviation. A Poverty Alleviation cell shall be established in the Prime Minister�s Office to monitor implementation of pro-poor and poverty eradication policies.
- Each district shall compile a register of destitutes, widows, orphans, and old persons unable to fend for themselves in order to provide a system of support.
- Banking system will be oriented towards self-employment and small business needs.
- A national food security system will be created through food stamps.
- A primary health care plan for the poor shall be designed.
- Special non-formal education programs shall be launched for the poor.
- Disaster prevention and rehabilitation programs for the poor shall be started.
- State land shall be distributed among the landless.
- Employment through labor intensive and community development projects shall be created.
- Ownership deeds shall be provided to poor on priority basis.
- Mass training program in basic skills, combined with village based employment provision projects, self-employment in urban areas, and technical employment in industry, infrastructure projects shall be started.
- Human rights and dignity of the poor shall be protected at all cost.
- Poverty shall be targeted through promoting alms (sadaqat) in the Islamic tradition.
Growing unemployment is posing serious challenge to the stability and peace of the society. PML-N shall start labor-intensive projects for employment generation, and employment planning shall form integral part of development planning.
- National credit policy shall provide sufficient allocation of funds for small-scale industry and self-employment schemes.
- The curricula shall be modified to inculcate entrepreneurial skills among the youth.
- Entrepreneurship and small business development programs/ training centers shall be set up in the universities to train unemployed youth.
- Mobile training facilities shall be provided at the doorsteps of youth clusters.
- Youth career counseling services shall be set up in the colleges/universities.
- Computerized Employment Exchange shall be set up in every district.
- Special Training programs for export of manpower in areas/fields of demand shall be started.
- Existing training institutes shall be strengthened and focused on market demand and need.
- Apprenticeship and industrial training schemes shall be started.
PML-N governments and the leadership of Mr. Nawaz Sharif have been behind building of a modern infrastructure in the country. PML-N will continue its policies of giving Pakistan a world-class modern infrastructure.
- Motorway projects of Islamabad-Peshawar and Karachi-Hyderabad shall be completed by 2007.
- All inter district roads shall be repaired and maintained in good condition.
- Network of farm to market roads shall be established in the country.
- Digital telephone exchanges shall be installed in rural areas.
- New Islamabad Airport project shall be initiated.
- Karachi and Lahore airports and Karachi port shall be made competitive with the regional airports and ports.
- Makran Coastal Highway and Gwadar port projects shall be completed on priority basis.
- Kohat tunnel, Northern by-pass Karachi, Ring Road Lahore projects will be completed expeditiously.
- Pak Railways tracks and services shall be upgraded.
- By 2010, all villages shall have access with roads, electricity, and clean drinking water.
PML-N shall revamp public transport in urban areas with a view to providing efficient travel facilities, reducing traffic congestion, and minimizing pollution.
- Public transport schemes, with special emphasis on public transport in the rural areas, shall be launched.
- Traffic management system in the cities shall be streamlined.
- The system of issuing driving licenses shall be revised to check accidents on road.
- Strict punishments shall be enforced for negligence and accidents on road.
- To solve transport problem for the poor and lower middle class, loans for purchase of bi-cycles and motorcycles shall be offered.
- Motor vehicle laws shall be revised and death compensation shall be raised from Rs 16,000 to Rs 50,000.
- Pakistan Railways shall be transformed into a modern and efficient service by upgrading its infrastructure and service.
- PIA shall be transformed into a leading carrier of Asia.
Environment and Forestry:
- Conservation of existing forests, watershed, rangeland, and wildlife resources by sustainable utilization and their development shall be ensured.
- Agro-forestry programs shall be promoted to meet the demand for fuel wood.
- Fast growing, multi-purpose tree species shall be planted in irrigated plantations, riverside areas, marginal lands, and private farmlands to meet the industrial and domestic demand.
- Aggressive National plantation campaigns shall be organized with the help of schools, colleges, industry, farmers, and citizens.
- Non-governmental organizations shall be encouraged to educate the masses on environmental issues.
- National parks, game sanctuaries, and game reserves shall be maintained for the conservation of wildlife.
- Concrete steps shall be taken to control water and air pollution.
- Solid and hazardous waste disposal schemes for cities shall be launched.
- Steps shall be taken to control ocean dumping of waste, medical waste tracking, toxic substances control, marine protection, and pesticides management.
Tax reforms:
A core objective of our agenda is to replace big-spending, high taxing, and over regulating government that now shackles the initiatives of Pakistani people. We need policies and programs that enhance opportunities for people, and provide individuals and families better quality of life. In order to achieve these goals, we need to create an environment that supports entrepreneurship, innovation, new opportunities, and growth.
Any real tax reform must be more fair, efficient, simple, and pro growth. One litmus test of an acceptable tax system is that it imposes the lowest possible costs of compliance, administration, and enforcement. The existing tax system is totally unacceptable on this basis. Every step is extremely complicated, requiring an enormous number of man-hours and millions of rupees in manpower, machinery, and paper costs. We promise a tax revolution, not mere tax reforms. Instead of focusing on the misbehavior of some tax officials, we must reduce compliance, administration, and enforcement costs of tax laws through simple and a transparent tax regime.
We will make taxes more visible to the people who pay them by sharing the information. All taxpayers will be fully informed on exactly what is being taxed, how they are being taxed, and what their true tax liability is.
- CBR shall be replaced with a professional body, �Pakistan Revenue Authority�.
- Emphasis shall be on direct taxation.
- NIC # based tax system shall be introduced.
- Simplification of laws of Customs, Central Excise, Sales Tax, and measures to safeguard the taxpayer against harassment.
- A more egalitarian distribution of wealth through progressive system of taxation.
- One window tax collection shall be introduced.
- Tax rates shall be reduced and tax base shall be broadened.
- Tax laws shall be made compliance friendly.
Oil and gas constitute nearly 80 percent of Pakistan�s primary commercial energy supplies. If our indigenous energy production (oil/gas/hydro/nuclear/coal) remained at the present level, we may need to annually import some 84 million TOE energy at a cost of about $ 13 billion by the year 2010. Import of these quantities would require matching increase in the handling infrastructure. Our import dependence on oil, therefore, has to be contained, if not curtailed. PML-N shall:
- Promote oil and gas exploration in under-explored/un-explored areas, including offshore, through research, studies, incentives.
- Start at least one hydel project of the size of 2500 MW.
- Expedite Thar Coal field development and start production for electricity generation.
- Implement gas pipeline project from CAR/Iran.
- Convert 25% road transport, including urban buses, from petrol/diesel to CNG for environmental and economical reasons.
- Promote sustainable development and efficient use of biomass fuels for rural energy development.
- Add at least 2-3% of renewables to energy mix i.e. solar, geothermal, wind, biogas, mini/micro hydel etc.
- Ensure provision of affordable electric power to consumers, industry, and farmers.
- Develop infrastructure for transmission and distribution of energy products.
Urban Development and Housing:
Large sections of population are living in slums in urban areas and ramshackle houses in rural areas. PML-N intends to initiate a nation wide policy to upgrade the quality of housing facilities and set up new satellite towns near big cities. Schemes on the pattern of Mera Ghar shall be launched in partnership with the private sector.
- Civic services for people in cities will include affordable housing, clean drinking water, sewerage, access roads, and affordable transport.
- House Ownership Plan for everyone (HOPE) shall be started to provide people an opportunity to own a house.
- Loans for house building for retired persons, widows, and handicapped shall be increased.
- Construction industry shall be given incentives to generate employment opportunities.
- A Master Plan shall be developed for the ten largest cities of Pakistan.
vi) Creating happy communities and nation
Muslims of South Asia struggled for a separate state in order to ordain their lives according to the principles of Islam. Our society will find peace only when the society is structured on the teachings of Islam. It is time that we use Islam to unify us as a nation not divide us, and we use Islam to create a happy society not one bleeding with sectarian killings. PML-N is committed to creating a society that can serve as a model in the twenty first century of a progressive, tolerant, just, and a dynamic Muslim culture. We believe in creating a society that rests on ethics and values of honesty, shared responsibility, trust, and hard work. The recommendations of CII shall be discussed in the parliament. Our concept of human happiness is not confined to material well-being but all encompasses spiritual well being. We aim for a society that is governed by humane governance, enriches human life in every area, and respects other religions.
Social cohesion:
Societies that are socially not cohesive need no enemies. We need to develop social capital and trust. PML-N believes in promoting harmony and understanding among all groups of the society. This can be realized through following policies of inclusion. PML-N will promote dialogue and cooperation at all levels. Happy societies are created if there are happy families and happy communities. PML-N shall promote strong family ties and strengthening of neighborhood networks to create a web of happy communities. Inter-provincial harmony and inter-faith dialogue shall also be promoted to create broader understanding among all citizens.
Fighting sectarianism & terrorism:
Pakistan has been the worst sufferer as far as terrorism is concerned. Killings of innocent civilians can never be justified under any law or religion. PML-N shall never compromise with terrorists and will take all necessary steps to clean the country from sectarian violence and terrorism.
In Islam, women enjoy place of honor and dignity that is unparallel in history. The talents of both men and women are acknowledged equally in Islam. It is for the same reason that acquiring knowledge has been ordained for both equally. PML-N shall:
- Ensure respect, dignity, and protection granted by Islam to women.
- Promote participation of women in national development and their social, political, and economic empowerment.
- Give preference to women teachers in primary education.
- Relax age limit for mothers and widows to seek employment.
- Promote female education and health care programs to overcome gender gaps.
- Widows with minor children who have no source of income shall be provided stipends by the government till a child reaches the age of 18.
- Employment quota for women shall be protected.
- Effective representation of women in all key policy/decision making bodies shall be ensured.
- Special legislation on violence against women and child abuse shall be enacted.
- Law relating to sexual harassment shall be reviewed and made more effective.
- First Women�s Bank shall retain its women focus.
- Women�s access to ownership and control of assets shall be increased, particularly in government distributed land and property through joint names of husband and wife.
- Strict enforcement of inheritance laws in favor of women shall be done.
- Self-employment opportunities for women shall be increased.
- Women/gender concerns shall be incorporated in all national policies.
Youth is Pakistan�s future. More than 52 percent of our population is less than 19 years of age. PML-N believes that it is the youth, which can change the destiny of the nation.
- Youth training program shall be started to create 100,000 positions for apprenticeship in trade and industry. These opportunities shall be created in collaboration with the private sector.
- Self-employment loans shall be extended to those who complete training/apprenticeship.
- Youth shall be involved in community development work through �National Development Youth Corp�.
- Special youth tourism programs shall be launched.
- Inter-province visits of youth shall be organized.
- Youth shall be provided special sports facilities.
- Anti-addiction campaign shall be launched to stop youth from drugs abuse.
- National Youth Olympic shall be organized.
- National youth talent awards shall be given every year to outstanding youth.
No economy can prosper without fair and equitable treatment of its work force. PML-N developed a Labor friendly policy during its government. It shall be continued.
- Safety at work and proper compensation for industrial injuries shall be legislated.
- Total prohibition of child labor through effective monitoring and strict enforcement of law shall be ensured.
- Laws pertaining to bonded labor and unpaid labor shall be strengthened and effectively enforced.
- Quality of labor force shall be improved through technical training and apprenticeship.
- Quality schools and colleges for children of labor shall be opened.
- Social security and health service shall be improved.
- Fund shall be set up for helping families of workers whose death is caused by accident on job.
- Special tourism programs shall be arranged for workers.
- Parks/ community centers shall be developed near labor colonies.
- Incentives shall be given to employers for offering scholarships for the talented children of workers.
An Islamic society is obliged to protect the social, religious, and economic interests of minorities. PML-N shall steadfastly guard these interests and ensure their absolute and fundamental rights of freedom, security, equal opportunity, and equality before law.
- A commission shall be set up to look into complaints of religious discrimination.
- Scholarships for higher education shall be offered for talented children of minorities with poor background.
- Minorities shall be integrated in the mainstream of national development.
Backward areas:
National unity can�t be effectively realized until all the regions share the fruits of freedom and development. Unfortunately, there exists large disparity between various regions of Pakistan. PML-N is committed to bridging this gap by building infrastructure in the backward areas. The province of Balochistan, tribal areas, and Northern areas will be targeted on priority basis for accelerated development along with backward areas of Sindh, NWFP, and Punjab provinces. In these areas roads, electricity, drinking water, education, and basic health facilities shall be provided.
Overseas Pakistanis:
Overseas Pakistanis are a valuable asset for the country. PML-N shall ensure their participation in the national affairs through consultation and representation in national bodies.
- Overseas Pakistanis shall be given the right of vote
- Successful businessmen and those with a record of outstanding community work shall be given awards every year.
- Outstanding professional Overseas Pakistanis shall be offered special packages to return home and contribute in the development of their homeland.
- Special tourism programs shall be offered for the children of overseas Pakistanis to familiarize them with Pakistan, its culture, and people.
- Special transfer programs shall be started for the children of Overseas Pakistanis to study in Pakistani universities for a semester.
- The performance of Embassies and PIA shall be improved to facilitate homecoming for the Overseas Pakistanis.
- OPF shall be expanded with broader representation of the nominees of Overseas Pakistanis, and reformed to serve their needs better.
Nation�s physical fitness is ensured through promotion of sports in the society. During last three years, Pakistan�s performance in the international sports events has been disappointing due to Musharraf government�s policies of putting non-professional personnel as head of sports bodies. PML-N will put Pakistan on top in the international sports arena by:
- Appointing competent professionals to head the sports bodies.
- Providing sports facilities at Union Council and High School level.
- Restoring Pakistan�s leadership in hockey, cricket, and squash.
- Providing scholarships and training assistance to outstanding players.
- Recognizing national talent by giving awards to nation�s best players every year.
- Hosting international sports events in Pakistan.
- Football, tennis, athletics, swimming, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, boxing, water and indoor sports shall also be promoted to produce international level players.
Art & Culture:
PML-N shall promote national and regional arts and cultures by
- Establishing network of centers for promotion of art and culture at tehsil levels.
- Increasing funding for conservation of heritage.
- Organizing art and culture festivals/exhibitions at district levels.
- Promoting learning centers/academies for arts and cultures.
Peace with dignity, coexistence, and cooperation shall be cornerstone of PML-N�s foreign policy. The threat to our security has never been more serious than it is at present. Pakistani troops are for the first time deployed on both Western and Eastern borders simultaneously. The Muslim League shall accord the highest priority to the promotion of regional peace and security and strengthening of the capability of our armed forces to defend the territorial integrity of Pakistan.
Our foreign policy, inspired by the Pakistan Movement, will aim at protecting vital security and economic interest of the nation. The guiding principles of our foreign policy will be as follows:
� The Muslim League shall work for realization of the objective of �seeking friendship with all and enmity towards none� as prescribed by the Quaid-e-Azam.
� The Muslim League will work for the establishment of a just world order based on the UN Charter and the principles of the peaceful coexistence, such as equality of states regardless of size, location, and resources; non-interference in the affairs of one state by any other; peaceful resolution of inter-state conflicts; and equitable terms of economic interaction among states.
� The Muslim League commits itself to the sacred responsibility of securing the right of self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir in accordance with the relevant U.N resolutions.
� The Muslim League shall endeavor to establish friendly and cooperative relations with all neighboring countries of South Asia, Middle East, Central Asia, and South East Asia. We shall work for the settlement of all outstanding issues impeding good neighborly relations with India without compromising Pakistan�s historic commitment to the right of the people of Jammu and Kashmir to determine their destiny in accordance with the relevant U.N. resolutions.
� The Muslim League shall work for promoting unity and solidarity amongst Islamic states, and resolutely support all Islamic causes, especially Kashmir and Palestine.
� The Muslim League believes in a nuclear program for peaceful purposes and is opposed both to unilateral and discriminatory curbs on the development of the nation�s nuclear capability, or any roll-back of the nuclear capability. Pakistan�s nuclear program must be geared to the realization of the country�s national security and socio-economic development. Pakistan�s nuclear capability shall remain in responsible hands and is for defensive purposes only.
� The Muslim League believes that Pakistan cannot remain in isolation from the growing trend of the establishment of regional blocs that enhance the security and economic prosperity of their members and strengthen their bargaining position in the world. Pakistan shall, therefore, strengthen ECO, ASEAN, and SAARC that bring together nations with which Pakistan is bound by durable links of faith, history, geography, and common aspirations of peace and prosperity.
� The Muslim League will wholeheartedly support, as a principal objective of its foreign policy, Afghanistan�s efforts to promote peace, reconciliation and reconstruction.
� Friendship with China will remain a corner stone of Pakistan�s foreign policy. Muslim League will seek to further strengthen this time-tested, mutually beneficial relationship.
� Pakistan has had a long-standing, mutually beneficial relationship with the U.S., the E.U states, Russia, and Japan. It will be the endeavor of Pakistan Muslim League to cooperate with these countries for promoting international peace and security.
� Pakistan will continue to pursue a principled foreign policy based on forging relations through equality and reciprocity, and opposing double-standards, duplicity, and discrimination in principles, polices or perceptions in international relations.
Our foreign policy, inspired by the Pakistan Movement, will aim at protecting vital security and economic interest of the nation. The guiding principles of our foreign policy will be as follows:
� The Muslim League shall work for realization of the objective of �seeking friendship with all and enmity towards none� as prescribed by the Quaid-e-Azam.
� The Muslim League will work for the establishment of a just world order based on the UN Charter and the principles of the peaceful coexistence, such as equality of states regardless of size, location, and resources; non-interference in the affairs of one state by any other; peaceful resolution of inter-state conflicts; and equitable terms of economic interaction among states.
� The Muslim League commits itself to the sacred responsibility of securing the right of self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir in accordance with the relevant U.N resolutions.
� The Muslim League shall endeavor to establish friendly and cooperative relations with all neighboring countries of South Asia, Middle East, Central Asia, and South East Asia. We shall work for the settlement of all outstanding issues impeding good neighborly relations with India without compromising Pakistan�s historic commitment to the right of the people of Jammu and Kashmir to determine their destiny in accordance with the relevant U.N. resolutions.
� The Muslim League shall work for promoting unity and solidarity amongst Islamic states, and resolutely support all Islamic causes, especially Kashmir and Palestine.
� The Muslim League believes in a nuclear program for peaceful purposes and is opposed both to unilateral and discriminatory curbs on the development of the nation�s nuclear capability, or any roll-back of the nuclear capability. Pakistan�s nuclear program must be geared to the realization of the country�s national security and socio-economic development. Pakistan�s nuclear capability shall remain in responsible hands and is for defensive purposes only.
� The Muslim League believes that Pakistan cannot remain in isolation from the growing trend of the establishment of regional blocs that enhance the security and economic prosperity of their members and strengthen their bargaining position in the world. Pakistan shall, therefore, strengthen ECO, ASEAN, and SAARC that bring together nations with which Pakistan is bound by durable links of faith, history, geography, and common aspirations of peace and prosperity.
� The Muslim League will wholeheartedly support, as a principal objective of its foreign policy, Afghanistan�s efforts to promote peace, reconciliation and reconstruction.
� Friendship with China will remain a corner stone of Pakistan�s foreign policy. Muslim League will seek to further strengthen this time-tested, mutually beneficial relationship.
� Pakistan has had a long-standing, mutually beneficial relationship with the U.S., the E.U states, Russia, and Japan. It will be the endeavor of Pakistan Muslim League to cooperate with these countries for promoting international peace and security.
� Pakistan will continue to pursue a principled foreign policy based on forging relations through equality and reciprocity, and opposing double-standards, duplicity, and discrimination in principles, polices or perceptions in international relations.
Pakistan today stands at cross roads. The beginning of twenty first century marks a new landmark in the history of human civilizations. If we act together, a new history can be made. It is time to look forward and harness the nation�s positive energies. PML-N will seek national reconciliation, national dialogue, and national consensus on the future agenda of Pakistan. PML-N believes that besides politicians, the bureaucracy, judiciary, businessmen, media, professionals, ulema, farmers, workers, youth, women, and civil society are also movers and shakers of Pakistan�s emerging face. PML-N possesses both the experience and competence to steer the country towards economic prosperity. It will seek broad based consultation and participation of all sectors of society in implementing its vision for creating a society with knowledge, justice, dignity, and prosperity for all, regardless of gender, religion, region, or language. This is our �Pledge with Pakistan�
PML (N) Manifesto
Reviewed by 0.0.
March 27, 2013
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