
Blasphemy: A Life-and-death Issue in Pakistan

�In Pakistan, religious might is very influential and that thinking has an impact on police and other departments in such cases.�

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | Int'l Desk
Source/Credit: New Delhi Times
By Bureau Report | September 18, 2017

Blasphemy is an emotive topic in Pakistan, where strong religious sentiments have led in the past to mob violence and worse.

For those accused of blasphemy � which can include anything seen as a deliberate insult to God, Islam or religious leaders � such an offense is literally a life-and-death matter. The relevant section of Pakistan�s penal code recommends either life imprisonment or death for any convicted blasphemer.

The issue has arisen again in Punjab, where a court last week condemned to death a Christian, Nadeem James, based on evidence police gathered from a friend who said James sent him a blasphemous poem via instant-messenger WhatsApp. A prosecutor confirmed the contention by James�s defense lawyer that he never sent any blasphemous material to anyone.
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Blasphemy: A Life-and-death Issue in Pakistan Blasphemy: A Life-and-death Issue in Pakistan Reviewed by 0.0. on September 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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