
Perspective: Someone Please Tell Hillary Clinton What Matters Is What Happens Next, Not �What Happened�

"The party faces a turning point. It can devote itself to economic populism and find new sources of both funding and energy, as the Sanders campaign did. Or, it can rededicate itself to the Wall Street centrism of its last three decades and continue to fail."

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Common Dreams
By Richard Eskow | September 12, 2017

Remember when Bill Clinton used this Fleetwood Mac nugget as a theme in his 1992 campaign? Today, as Hillary Clinton�s campaign memoir goes on sale, the Democratic Party Clinton and his fellow �centrists� remade in their image seems unable to stop thinking about yesterday.

Can the Democratic Party truly reject its past mistakes and look to the future?

Don�t Look Back

The past shouldn�t be off limits, of course. We�re supposed to learn from our mistakes. Nevertheless, Democratic Party operative Paul Begala tweeted, �New rule: Nobody is allowed to comment on Hillary�s book until� they have read the book.�
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Perspective: Someone Please Tell Hillary Clinton What Matters Is What Happens Next, Not �What Happened� Perspective: Someone Please Tell Hillary Clinton What Matters Is What Happens Next, Not �What Happened� Reviewed by 0.0. on September 18, 2017 Rating: 5

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