
Tunisia slowly becoming a model for other Muslim nations?

If gender equality is enshrined in the constitution of Tunisia, then the nation must strive to deliver it in every area of human endeavor.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | Int'l Desk
Source/Credit: Toronto Sun
By Farzana Hassan | September 21, 2017

Tunisian president Beji Caid Essebsi must be congratulated on lifting a forty-year ban on a basic human right of Tunisian women.

Last week the country�s progressive president finally allowed women to marry non-Muslim men.

It was a brave move, given that most clerics opposed the president�s initiative, stating it was a �flagrant violation� of Islamic precept. However, that is a puzzling conclusion considering that two of the prophet Mohammad�s daughters were married to non-Muslim men.

The president supported his decision by stating that the ban violated the new constitution of Tunisia, adopted after the so-called Arab Spring.
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Tunisia slowly becoming a model for other Muslim nations? Tunisia slowly becoming a model for other Muslim nations? Reviewed by 0.0. on September 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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